Reading from the top of the chart down:
To reduce discrepancies between current understandings/performance and a desired goal.
The discrepancy can be reduced by:
- Increased effort and employment of more effective strategies or
- Abandoning, blowing, or lowering the goals
- Providing appropriate, challenging, and specific goals
- Assisting students to reach them through affective learning strategies and feedback
Effective feedback answers three questions
- Where am I going? – Which are the goals and supports feed up
- How am I going? – Supports feed back
- Where to next? – Supports feed forward
Each feedback question works at four levels
- Task Level: How well tasks are understood/performed
- Process Level: the main process needed to understand/perform task
- Self-regulation Level: self monitoring, directing and regulating of actions
- Self Level: personal evaluations and affect (usually positive) about the learner