so let’s move right on into our learning objectives for this session following this session uh participants will be able to identify what an instructional designer is and how they operate within the eh ecosystem you’ll also be able to accurately predict how long a project might take when working with an ID and uh you’ll be able to access Co tool tools for course development that the cdli has made available so let’s get started what is an instructional designer and what do they do let’s start with an instructional design instructional design is the Art and Science of creating an instructional environment and materials that will assist the instructor in bringing the learner from the state of not being able to accomplish certain tasks to the state of being able to accomplish those tasks so an instructional designer then is a professional who creates learning activities and develops course content to facilitate knowledge acquisition they apply instructional design theories and methods and use multimedia tools to enhance the learning process and we’re kind of like your Tech expert in a pocket a little bit so we’re kind of the secret superpower behind the real power which is you guys let’s take a look at this is my theoretical model of instructional design and it is based on Robert st’s model for instruction this is one model for instruction not the only model for instruction but this is the one that I felt uh helped me explain what we do best so please bear with me there are three main elements in a learning ecosystem one is the instructor the other is the student and the third is content and there are some secondary elements that are available to us as well the lines of communication between the student and the instructor and the instructor and the content and the content and the student thus the triangle shape there are also learning activities that are created by the instructor to help facilitate the communication between the uh content and the student so let’s see how we could change this to show you where we fit in this we’re the helpers right we we allow the students to interact with each other an instructor who’s more concerned about their spot in the curriculum so what do they fill what do they what do the students need to know before they move on to the next step if they move on to the next step and then there’s also reciprocal lines of communication it’s not just a one-way street it’s everything is a two-way street so the uh Learners are always learning through a direct instru instruction but also giving feedback they’re learning through interactive materials but also giving feedback assessments the same you’re always looking for gaps and knowledge from the curriculum to the student what does the student know and what do they need to know and then uh finally uh you’re always creating and recreating learning activities for better Clarity so like if I decided that I was going to use the nerd herd as a way way to describe what we do you come to us and we help you solve your problem that would be one way and you might be going yeah but how is that specific and so I might have to come up with a different way to explain it you’re constantly doing that whether you realize it or not and then the ID assists behind the scenes and what we do is you’ll see that the three circles that are here here and here are green and yellow that’s because we never imp heed the progress of the communication between the instructor and the learner we just kind of listen in when we’re asked to to kind of get a sense of what what needs you have and then we help you install solve the instructional problems create the learning activities to facilitate the curriculum getting to the learner and a learner learning to talk to the curriculum a little bit what do IDs actually do I mean because we actually do have a job so we do course design we have three support levels of course design we assist with video development not just on our own but also in a concert with our OnStaff videographer who is amazing um and then we also consult on E tools and teaching and learning strategies as well we provide ongoing professional learning and uh supplemental materials and support support for instructors on a day-to-day basis and an as needed basis as well so how does course design actually work this is what you’re all here for you want to know what it’s like working with an instructional designer so I’m going to walk you through kind of the process that we use to determine you know to to get a course finished all right so we work as a supplement to your skills we will never take over or push your experience to the side and we’re not going to share your intellectual property without your permission if you can help us see your vision for the course we can and we will help you in all uh all aspects we consider ourselves helpers to you um we’re not uh here to tell you how to do it we’re here to make suggestions on what might be best what we know to work best based on research and and uh trial and error mostly um but uh it’s your course it’s your course so let’s move on so the first step for all levels is to determine whether you have a course that you want to take online all right this is a question that I asked you in the questionnaire in the registration so if the answer is yes then you want to open it a ticket in TDX or book a consultation with your ID um if you’re not not sure book a consultation with your ID because they’re going to help you get to the point where you can either be sure that you need to or uh be sure that this is not the time right now and um kind of kick it down the road a little bit at the meeting you’re going to decide what type of service level is needed and I’m going to come back to that in a little bit for the purposes of this we’re going to use level a which is the full oneon-one design I’ve got a ticket uh go. OSU uh address to open a TDX ticket um so if you ever want to go straight to our page that has all of our stuff on it um this is the way to go it’s really helpful because it kind of tells you what kinds of services we provide so that you can get in to the right spot there are four things that you need to have ready when you come to this first meeting though you need to have approved syllabus or one that you want to submit and need some help with we’re happy to help you get your syllabus submitted submitted and approved that that would thrill us to death to be on the ground floor of this um you want to have an idea of when you want to launch your course so if you want to launch your course in Spring you’re still inside the possibility that we could help you with a full course development um but it would be even better if it was summer so you want to come at least a semester in advance of when you want to launch your course um you want to have an idea about how many students might be enrolled and who those Target stud students are are they undergrads are they grads are they uh is this an Outreach course uh that’s going to help us know what what audience you’re talking to and how much help you’re going to need from us all right so so the first thing that we do is probably probably across the board the one that I hear I’m so overwhelmed about most often but it doesn’t have to be totally overwhelming and it’s one of the most important things that you can do for us so in service levels A and B the alignment map is what you should bring to the project kickoff meeting which is after the consultation meeting even if it isn’t quite done your ID can tell a lot about how the project is going to roll out so don’t worry too much if you’re not sure how to break things down because we can help you get started with that and we will get help you get started with that before we send you off with an alignment map but here are the steps the basic steps to completing the alignment map and we do have resources about this online as well so don’t worry we’ve got you and we will also hold your hand if we need to so take your learning objectives from the syllabi you’re going to break them down into module level objectives so little tiny small bites that you’re going to use every week or every class period and then you’re going to break it down through assessment you’re going to say well what’s going to prove to me that this module learning objective is met and that’s your assessment you’ve got Learning Materials what kinds of materials are they going to need to get there and learning activities how am I going to deliver this to them so that it makes sense and so that they are successful so that’s basically what alignment mapping is doing it’s kind of charting the course it you are the Cartographer for this whole project after that we start planning the project so when we get the alignment map we jump into action and we’ve got all of these all of these things that we’ll be able to give you following completion of the alignment M we’ll be able to create and drop the template uh that you’ll be using into Carmen we’ll be able to set up a file structure and one drive for you uh that we can share and we can share materials and go back and forth on those uh we can find the hot spots in the alignment map the things that probably are going to take a long time to develop that we need to you know plan ahead to De to devote more time to and then we also create the project plan early on in the in the process so that you know exactly what’s going to happen next it’s not just us kind of going yes we’re over here doing our thing you uh can also know what exactly to expect at the next meeting so let’s see getting the work done this is where we’ve got it all planned now we’re putting everything together so we’re sharing our files in one drive like assignment directions readings assignments resources links uh to sheets or videos or other outside resources we’re also creating learning tools and videos so you might want to use something in h5p which we can talk about a little later but basically they’re little Snippets of interactive work that you can drop into your Carmen page they’re really cool but we have to design them and create them so we need need a little bit of time to do that um so we’ll be doing that we’ll be doing Evergreen videos maybe with Michael so something that you’re always going to use for at least three years that’s something that we would bring Michael in on and have him help us with and then there are DIY videos that you’ll be creating on your own things like your intro videos or your overview for the week video those things you’ll be creating on your own and dropping into one drive so that I can deal with putting it into the into the course we’ll also be refining big changes to pedagogy and assignments when you identify something and say you know this isn’t re really quite hitting the mark for my students and I want to think of a new way to do it that’s a big shift for you and I’m going to be helping you with that so you’ll expect some back and forth from us and it’s okay to have it be imperfect for the for the first round don’t don’t overthink it too much because we can always make changes later it’s just this is a really big part of what we do we try to get you uh to a place where you’re getting a more accurate picture of what your students know uh and really trying to apply that to what they’re going to do next in the line of succession in their courses in their curriculum and then finally we have the handoff and continuing support so the handoff is when I take my hands off the wheel and hand it all the way over to you and say okay so here’s how to maintain the course these are the things you need to be able to do so we’ll kind of give you um tutorials on Carmen so that you can maintain the course without having to talk to me every time and then we’ll walk through the big course aspects you know like the big projects that we changed we’ll kind of walk through those and make sure that those land true for us and then we’ll have a list of things to do before the launch you know like uh do you want to start at a week early do you want to start at two weeks early do you want them to come to class the first day prepared to work those kinds of things and then continuing support so if you get in there and you go oh my gosh I cannot remember what she said I have no idea what I’m doing here don’t panic don’t wait send us an email or put a ticket in through TDX so that we can help you get past that and really enjoy teaching your course so what tools are available to help course design get started so we have three levels of service like I told you before the the level of service that we just walked through is level a um it is uh the ideal candidate for that can be less familiar with Carmen but but willing to learn enough to deliver the course so I don’t want to stretch you to the point where you don’t have any idea what you’re doing so if you want to learn new skills you want to learn a new tool you want to learn something new I’m happy to teach you in the context of your course design but I don’t want you to overstretch yourself so that you feel out of your depth I want the stretch to be more like a a comfortable yoga stretch and not hot yoga I don’t know um so uh the course needs to be designed from the ground up obviously that’s what a good candidate for this would be the course size should be a little more than 25 25 students but it can also be an area that’s been targeted for development by the Strategic plan so there is a strategic plan for who we who who we’re talking to about creating new courses and um if your course fits in that then regardless of the size we’ll be working with you as far as assistance you get the step by-step oneon-one design support uh which is including videos interactive content customized course templating and also learning activities and project design the time needed it’s best to begin like I said one semester before delivery and the process takes 16 to 20 weeks to comp to complete so that is four to five months so it’s a lot of time commitment it’s a lot of time commitment on your part one of the reasons we give so long is things happen people get sick people are overwhelmed and can’t get a piece done at at the right time so we do build in some some crash time to uh to kind of uh bring it all back together uh in case we get off track consultation model support this is level B so basically what this is is you have a course that you kind of want to make some changes to you’ve already been delivering it you may even have been delivering it uh face Toof face and want to move online but don’t want to redesign the entire thing so you would work with us on a consultative basis um you may be familiar with Carmen you may be building a brand new online course but you’re comfortable with the tools and you may want to make some changes to delivery so our assistance would be kind of consultation on a regular schedule but it’s not every week and you will you’ll kind of need consultation mostly for the things that you want to change so if you want an interactive piece or you want to incorporate an evergreen video you’d come to us and we would work work on that piece with you and kind of help guide you in the other aspects of getting your course online but we wouldn’t sit down and say okay here’s the alignment map here’s the project plan I mean it’s not going to be like that so it’s a little more fluid it’s a little more relaxed and I’m not saying that a full course design cannot be a relaxed situation but I am saying that it is a lot of work and we’re there to help you through every step but if you’re looking for something that’s a little more lowkey this may be your option we also deliver custom resources like the template uh the the uh kind of the learning elements those pieces uh and we just kind of put them into your course for you and then you work with them yourself will’ll also give you assistance with learning new features in Carmen or for new e tools so say you wanted to pick up hypothesis we would help you figure out how to make that happen the time needed depends on what the instructor needs help with obviously so a full course is 16 to 20 weeks still one special video or learning activity is about four weeks um and assistance with adding a template that could be like one to two weeks adding or adapting a template so it can it can vary that’s the thing about this particular level of support is that you kind of call the shots on uh how much you want to do and then we help you get it done the last level is Level C uh this is the do-it-yourself course design and I have a go link for that as well it’s DIY course design all one word the ideal candidate for this is very familiar with Carmen has a class size of less than 25 and is a kind of a self-starter because to get this done you have to keep on hammering at it I am happy and I know my colleagues are happy to kind of help you lay out a preliminary uh project plan for yourself but um most of the work is going to be done on your own if we insert ourselves too much then it’s a level B service so in terms of assistance you may need a hand here or there so you’re fine on your own uh you’ll never be sailing your ship alone we will always be there to help you you know if you get into a situation I can’t make this code work at all uh come talk to us because we can help you get around that the time needed is frankly all up to you this level is completely self-paced you could take a year to do this you could take five weeks to do this the resources will be provided for you those those are available at that DIY course design go dot to help you kind of walk through the process they’re all laid out in in order uh just like we would do it for you one on-one you can walk through it by yourself with these resources available to you this allows you to set up a course when you’re on a tight schedule so GTA know what I mean lecturers know what I mean when they don’t get their schedules until two weeks before now what this is what this is what you can do and this will help you get moving licky split and it’s also available you to you 247 so even if our office is closed you have access to the tools that we actually use to help you uh get things done I have one more thing to talk about and that is working with otdihun is for programs they handle all the programmatic shifts so if you’re part of a program and you’re all going online everybody’s going online it’s going to be a whole online program um you’ll go through otdihun so all the online programs on the campus go through this one funnel because they have the accreditation ability so um we can help with these courses we are happy to help with these courses I have helped with two and I love working with the otd IDS they’re fabulous but otd is very much in charge of these uh courses and we’d be the backup support so you know if you get into the course and you’re kind of floundering and don’t know what to do call us because we could absolutely help you on on those but we would just kind of be sitting in and listening on [Music] otdihun moving a course online um but also if you’ve inherited a course or you’re teaching a course for the first time and you just need help getting that set up or you have some questions about Carmen um or you know we’re we’re available for that I I think probably the best way if you have a kmen question is to go through the ticketing system because if you’re not sure like who is the person to help you you’re welcome to put in a ticket or you can reach out to us directly too if you know you know who your ID is is um sometimes it might just be one assignment that just isn’t you know working the way you think it should or you you think there might be a better way to do it um we are happy to help in those smaller little one chot cases as well so um yeah I just wanted to throw that out there too so you if you have any kind of question that you think um you know we can help you with we’re very open to that and if we’re not the right person we’ll we’ll let you know that too cuz sometimes we can escalate questions for you to more of the it folks if if it turns out to be something beyond our scope but um but yeah if in doubt reach out and um and we we’re happy to help or or move you forward yeah absolutely I think that’s really our our kind of our watch word is really we’re helpers that’s that’s what we’re here to do and actually you know I have I have a theory because I’m I’m a weirdo I’m an educational philosopher and um so I spend a lot of time thinking about the nature of being and the nature of being an instructional designer specifically so um uh I kind of liken it to the ethic of care um which uh says that you know we put aside our desires and wants to listen to and become engrossed in the uh work of the person that is asking for help and then once we come up with something they’re free to to say yes this would be helpful or no this would not be helpful and move through the rest of those steps to the point where you know they get what they need and say thank you because that’s reciprocity and uh and then uh we move on so I think we’re professional carers more than professional helpers but uh an a Korea she uh has a uh paper out that talks about us being uh professional helpers so all right well everybody I won’t hold you uh have a lovely time with your 20 minute calendar refund and I appreciate you all showing up I really really do have a good day bye-bye