hi i’m katie o’keefe i’m an instructional designer with the distance education and learning design team and i’m here to teach you about how to copy a master or previously offered course to a current shell so we’re going to be importing content from one shell to another this is a blank shell and you come over here to import existing content once you’re in the import content screen you’ll click on the select one you’re going to select copy a canvas course then you’re going to select the course that you want to choose there are two ways to do this you can select one from this list or you can come over here to course name and mine is tips and tricks we’ll start with that and it pops right up this is especially helpful if you have a ton of courses and i do the next thing you’re going to decide is how much content you want to import do you want to import all the content or just select specific content to put in if you choose all content you click this button and then you click import and then you’re done but if you want to select specific content there are a couple of extra steps so let’s select that and then the next thing you do is hit import after that you’re going to come over here to select the content you have to select the content before it will queue up and actually import i’m going to import the modules the assignments the discussion topics and the pages the external tools we don’t need the announcements we do want the rubrics and we do want the files and i also want the course settings so we’ll move all of that select contents and now you can see that it’s cued once it starts to run it will turn blue and you’ll see it move across this bar and then it’s completed now it says that there are 13 issues you can click on this and find out where those issues are usually they’re broken links so you can take a look at this and as suspected there are missing links so you’ll need to go back in and check all of the links in newly imported course so let’s take a look at what it looks like now so when you finish this is what you’ll come up with you can see that it says that it’s autumn 22 and you’ve got the teaching with technology the next thing you’ll do is go into the modules and check and see what uh what came up here you’ll want to check to make sure all of your links work all of your pictures transferred over you want to make sure it looks the way you want it to look finally this is a list of things to check or change after you import your course check all the links to be sure that they held up documents graphics and links to external resources check all the dates to be sure that you have them set correctly for the new semester not just assignments but also quizzes and any dates that you may have put in your modules change out all your zoom links be sure to put fresh zoom links in for the new semester and finally resort your assignments if needed your assignments will all import under imported assignments and if you want them in a different space in different buckets you’ll need to manually do that yourself if you need more help please feel free to contact us at ehe dash distanceed osu.edu to make an appointment thanks and have a great semester