thank you [Music] with the Carmen dashboard you’re going to see your published courses and your unpublished courses you can also change the view of this dashboard using the three vertical dots along on the to the right of the dashboard title so you can have it as a card view a list view or based on recent activity and you can also um remove the color overlay but I don’t see any difference here um so you have the options of doing a list View which looks very weird so if you it looks very weird for me because I’m definitely used to the dash the dashboard card View or you could do recent activity um so you can see any announcements any submissions that have happened you could do it that way um but I I my personal preference is to see it in card View okay so you have your published your unpublished courses I have on my account nothing but the unpublished courses listed on my dashboard so you can see the three different cards here and they have their own colors so each card shows whether or not it’s published or unpublished so I can move I can zoom in here so you have your publish button so since it is so since it is an unpublished course you can tell you can put you could click on the button on this card to publish your course without having to go directly into the course and publish it there we go we got my tongue corrected you also have the title of your course you have the school and you have the type of course that it is so um this one is a ehe course template it go it is available to everyone within eag and it is an other course you can see here I have two Master courses I have the title it is a master type course so it is available only to me um and whoever else I decide to add into this course but it’s available only to me at the moment and it is um it was created um automatically from for the term for the course term the odee course term so it’s here forever kind of um okay and then with each card I’m going to zoom back in here with each card you have the three vertical dots in the right hand corner I’m going to click on that and it will show you the color so you can give this course a nickname so this is better if I do it on this one I’ll do it on this one so I have two different courses that are named the same thing and I want to be able to tell the difference so I’m going to click on the three vertical dots on the right hand side and I’m going to call this one build your course unfinished or and then I could change the color I could choose any of the colors that are already available or if I want to do my own color I could use the hex code the hex code option so if you have a particular color that you would like to use and you don’t want to use any of the ones that are available you can type in the hex code for that for that um color you also have the option to move your card so if you have a lot of cards here let’s say you have a top you have a whole bunch of published courses and unpublished courses on your dashboard and you do not want them there anymore you can choose to unfavorite it and that will remove it from your dashboard card you can move it up you can move it to the top so you can move your cards around based on where you want them to be or you could just remove any courses that were from a previous semester um and make your dashboard a little bit easier to look at another way for you to manage your cards is by going to your Global navigation so we’ll get to that in a second