welcome to the ehe course quality assurance process in this quick video we’ll introduce the qm11 review and cover some key steps for maximizing your success in that qm 11 review the course quality assurance process is a standard in assuring the quality of online course offerings having a qm review assists the curriculum committee and their assessment of course requests while providing consistency across the college a reviewer will conduct the qm11 review of your syllabus and provide you with the final results a qm review is required for all online courses our review process is based on quality matter standards our college curriculum committee has approved a review process and standards for all online courses this process focuses on 11 parts of the syllabus which align to specific quality matter standards through consultation with the curriculum committee we’ve updated the qm review process to include an instructor self-review previously the qm review might take multiple attempts to get a syllabus through the review process in an effort to streamline the process for faculty we’ve developed a guided self-review of the qm 11. the new guided self-review is based on the same 11 parts of the syllabus that align to the qm standards which will also be used for the final review with your syllabus handy you will go through the guided self review to assess your syllabus regarding the approved standards make any changes to your syllabus as needed and then submit your revised syllabus for a final qm review conducted by one of our team reviewers in an effort to help maximize success we’ve identified two key areas that are often hurdles during the qm 11 review process syllabus standards and course learning objectives and we’ve created additional resources to assist in reviewing and updating these key areas we’ll have a second video dedicated solely to course learning objectives so next we’ll focus on the syllabus standards what is really meant by syllabus standards is just that the syllabus contains the elements that are identified as part of the approved qm11 review to meet those standards simply use the ehe syllabus template found at go.osu.edu backslash ehe syllabus this template was developed specifically to meet the syllabus parts of the qm11 review the syllabus includes all of the standard current institutional policies links and resources it includes tips for customizing and creating your course specific syllabus information it is also updated regularly to include the best information for university level resources so be sure to reference it whenever updating your syllabus not just when changing a course when using the ehe syllabus template we recommend that you download the most recent version and then cut and paste your course content directly into the template tips for creating syllabus language are also shown in brackets throughout the syllabus template these are here to provide information and resources and can be removed whenever you are done as we mentioned earlier syllabus standards are one of the two main keys to success in the qm 11 review we’ll cover the other key to success course learning objectives in our next video you