Okay, So we’re gonna scroll down and then we’re going to. We have the quiz type here, so we’re going to do graded quizzes. Quiz. You also have the option to do a practice quiz a graded survey or an ungraded survey. So we’re gonna go with graded quiz We have the assignment group set to quizzes. I will show you how to set up an assignment group when we get to assignments. We have our options, so our options here, you can shuffle answers. You can set up a time limit. So if you wanna shuffle your answers, this is the answer options. This does not shuffle questions. When you create a quiz. And Carmen. it automatically shuffles the questions. So if you have a quiz that requires you to require students to answer questions in a specific order, my recommendation is to rewrite that exam or quiz so that way they don’t have to answer questions in the specific order or you can do a quiz part one and a quiz part 2. It’s a lot easier to just I don’t know maybe maybe it’s easier to rewrite the questions that are required to be taken in a different order. It’s really up to you if it’s simpler to just separate it, and just make 2 2 2 a 2 park quiz. That’s entirely up to you But I can’t turn off the Carmen feature shuffling the quizzes the quiz questions. but you do have the option of shuffling. The answers. Okay, so we have time limit. time limit is set in minutes. So if you wanted to do a time limit for an hour and a half, you would do 90 min. If you wanted to do 2 h, 120 min, if you just wanted it to be an hour. If you wanted it to be 50 min, you wanted it to be 20 min. If you wanted to do a lightning round, and you have 5 min to do this entire exam, you can set up a time limit for whatever you like. But it is in minutes allow multiple attempts so we’re gonna check this box, and we have quiz score to keep so you can. If you’re going to allow multiple attempts on the eggs on the quiz, you can choose whether or not you want to keep specific quiz scores, so you can keep the highest quiz score. You can keep the latest quiz score so what which ever score, whether it’s higher or lower than previous attempts. Whatever that last score is is the one that gets kept, or you can average it out between all of the different attempts. You could get an average from that. So if they, if you choose highest if they chose, if they did really well the first time around, then, even if they took it 2 or 3 or 4 more times, and they you would keep the highest, score out of all of the attempts. So you this is entirely up to you, which one you would like to do. But i’m gonna leave it on highest so allowed attempts you check that box. You could say that they are allowed only one attempt but if you’re going to go with that option. I would just uncheck this box completely. you could say they are allowed 2 or 3. You can uncheck this box and they are allowed to do multiple attempts, and it’s unlimited so they could just keep redoing it. This is a good. This is a good option if you want a practice. so if you want them to practice, or I had an eighth grade teacher who allowed students to take retake an exam. over and over and over again until they finally got 100% i’m not sure why he did that? But it was I. I think it was really helpful for people who wanted to boost up their grade. They did just kept retaking the test. So if you have an exam like that, where you want students to practice and really learn the material, then they can do multiple attempts and have an unlimited set of attempts until they get 100 percent. it’s a good learning tool so keep that in mind when you’re making weekly quizzes or low stakes quizzes. So i’m gonna uncheck that box and move on Okay, So let students see their quiz responses. Incorrect questions will be marked in student feedback. So when they’re able to see their responses they’re able to see what they answered what was incorrect and the correct answer. If you do not want students to see their responses, just uncheck this, and they will get a score, and they will not know what they did, or why they did it, or what they did wrong, or how to correct it, But if you would like to give students an opportunity to learn from their mistakes on exams. Especially during the midterm. The midterm and if you’re going to be reusing questions from low stakes quizzes low stakes, quizzes This is a good option, because they get to learn from their mistakes leading up to the midterm. if you choose this option for a midterm. This is a good option. If you’re going to be reusing some of those questions for the final exam, and they get to learn from their mistakes. But with this I do recommend, I highly recommend, including feedback in all of your quizzes, and I will show that So you have the option to allow students to see their feet, see feedback and their responses. Only once after each attempt. so every time they attempt the quiz they will see what they got wrong. They will see the correct answer, and they’ll be able to see the feedback. If you do not want that. let’s say you’re doing this for the midterm exam. they only have one attempt, anyway. But you don’t want them to see it immediately after they’ve taken the exam. You can check the box to let students see the correct answers on a specific date, so that i’d say that you want students to be able to see this the day after the midterm exam. Or if you’re allowing students who are absent to take the midterm the day after, and you’re like, you know what they can see. The answers for the exam the following Monday. So today is Tuesday. I can say, Hey, you all can’t see the answers for the exam until the next Monday, and i’m going to post the I’m gonna allow this to be posted at 10 am on my Monday. And then you only have, and you can hide the correct answer. So you can say you only have 20. You only have 24 h to look at. These correct answers. I don’t recommend hiding the correct answers, but it’s entirely up to you. If this is an option that you want to do so, I will close this at 10 Am. On the following Tuesday, 24 h to look at these, I don’t know why you would want to hide them once they get, them. But if if this is an option that you would like to do, you can do this. Okay, so show one question at a time. If you have a quiz that is more than like 15 questions. I would choose the option to show what a question at a time. Because if you have this box unchecked all of your questions, questions are going to be on the same page. They’re just going to keep scrolling down and answering questions. If a student experiences and i’m fortunate glitch their Internet is slow. There’s so many people in their house using internet somebody’s on their tablet. Somebody’s using the wi-fi on their phone somebody streaming on the Tv. And their Internet. just how they’ll happens to be slow and the experience of glitch. And this website is buffering or they’re browser shuts down. If they were on quiz question 49 out of 50. When that happened, all of the information gets erased it’s gone It does not save. They can’t pick up where they started They Have to sit down, and they have to do the exam. All over again, and this could really suck for people who only have time to only have time to do the exam. or the quiz right, if especially if you set up a time limit like hey? This is due ed 1159 tonight. and They get off of work At 9 o’clock they come home. They eat dinner, they shower they start working on the exam at 10 o’clock at night. They’re done with the exam at 1130 It There They hit that last. They hit that last question at 1130 they experienced the glitch it’s all gone. So they have to start over at 1130 and maybe they’ll be able to do it faster. But not all these. So it’s a lot easier to say show one question at a time, and that way. If they do experience a glitch they can pick up where they left off lock questions. After answering, I do not recommend this option. because I prefer. I recommend providing a setting for an exam that you would use in person. So in person. If you have a paper exam, you can flip back to equip to a previous question, and you can change your answer. If you somewhere down the line, you go Oh, i’m so stupid. I answered the wrong question on question number 3 and I’m on question 15 now, and it’s kind of the same question. But it’s worded different and now. I realized my mistake. I can go back on a paper quiz and change the answer for question. 3, and then go back to question 15 and move on So if you lock questions after answering that means that they can’t go backwards, and this is this is the option that I only recommend, if it’s if there’s an absolute need for this and most of the time it there is it Because if you were to give this exam in person they could go back and change it. so there’s not usually a reason to lock questions after answering. But if you have an apple reason for doing so, then you should choose this option. So quiz restrictions. You have quiz restrictions like require an access code. You can do this as an added protection to your quiz but it’s not necessary, because students who log in to Carmen can access your quiz students who are not enrolled in your course, cannot come in and access, your quiz if you are worried about cheating a student can share and access code just as easily as they can share their password. So it’s not really helpful to add and access code here. If you’re worried about another student taking a students Exam: If you share the access code in an email and email can be forwarded the If a student, has an access code and they want somebody else to take their exam. they give them all the information that they need in order to take that exam for them. So the the access code isn’t really all that necessary filter Ip addresses this option is only good. If you are in a computer lab setting if you’re not in a computer lab setting, everybody has their phones. They have tablets, they have laptops, and all of these devices have their own. Ip addresses, and it is not easy to filter all of those Ip addresses. So the easiest option for this is to have it in a computer lab setting where it can provide the Ip addresses. And you can filter based on your computer lab room assigned to. So you can assign a quiz to everyone in your course set. You could assign it to specific section, so you can assign it to everyone in this course site. So if you merge multiple sections of your course into one core site on Carmen, then you will see multiple sections listed here. If you only have one section per core site, you will see everyone, and you will see the section that you are teaching here. But if you wanted to merge multiple sections into one, you can, and you would be able to assign specific quizzes or specific assignments based on the course section here due date. You can set your due date. So if I wanted everyone to take this exam, take this quiz tomorrow. And it’s due by 1159 pm that’s just by default. I can do that, you can make this quiz available from. So this allows students to start working on the quiz it opens up for everybody. So let’s say I want this to open up and by default. It opens up at 12 am tomorrow. but if I didn’t want it to open up at 12 A. M. tomorrow. Let’s say I wanted it open at 6 pm tomorrow, so I want everybody to be able to do this quiz at the same time. Dorin our normal lecture time. I can do that. And then you have until So this call closes the exam. And this closes it to everyone so if you’re very strict With this time you can cause price for accessibility. So students who require extra time during their exams, If you shut this off, shut off. Access to this quiz. is you you’re just like they have they only have an app and a half to do this quiz, but somebody needs extra time, so they need 2 h If you’re trying to shut this down during the for that hour and a half. then you’re cutting off the extra time that a student may need accessibility. So I do not recommend this. I actually recommend allowing this to be open for longer. So I have this do on the 20 first and 1159 I’m going to allow this to stay open until the very next day at 1159 for students in case somebody experiences a glitch You want to limit as many emails as possible. So somebody experiences a glitch and you only want them to work on this for an hour and a half. But it’s due at 1159 or if students are not in class at the time, and they’re taking it after that. It’s available. it’s available for them to work on to submit the quiz. You don’t get an email saying, Hey, I submitted my quiz, and I got cut off, or you don’t get it. You don’t have any issues with accessibility and everybody is good so i’m going to save all of my settings. I I prefer to save before I move on to questions because the number of times that I have created quizzes for other people, and I just went into questions. It doesn’t it. It can be unfortunate when you have to when you experience a glitch yourself, and then all of a sudden it yeah. So my Internet is slow. you can see it’s saving It’s saving. Oh, okay, Everyone sorry I messed that up. Okay, save there we go. Okay, So you can see all of my changes in the summary page. So my instructions are here my settings are here oops I didn’t have any points. Let me go in and edit i’m thinking that this is an assignment back to questions. So at the top you have the details, Tab, and then you have the questions. Tab. So in the questions, Tab, you have the option to add a new question. Add a new question group, or find questions. If you add a new question, you could add a new question here, and you’re adding it directly to the quiz. I I do not recommend this. I don’t recommend it because I have worked with faculty members who like to reuse questions. So if you are creating a weekly quiz, I do not recommend adding it that, adding the question directly to the quiz, because it all gets filed under miscellaneous questions or unfiled questions. And then. and if you have multiple quizzes in your course. And all of these questions are getting filtered and If filed under this unfiled question: Bank folder thing, Then it is not going to be fun to try to reuse questions. find questions. It’s not it’s not gonna be fun it’s not So there are a couple of things that I like to do with questions to make it a little bit easier. So some instructional designers prefer adding questions directly to a quiz. There. I there’s a benefit there, that I can’t remember, and is probably because I completely blocked out this option in my head, because I don’t recommend it because for me. It is more of a headache to add it directly than it is to just do a question. Make that’s just me I I don’t remember what the benefit is of this, because it has never been a benefit for me. So you have up here highlighted question in the top left hand corner. This should actually be called question title And the question title is helpful, because you get to give your question a name. This is not viewed by students at all, Ever they do not see this. What they see is question. one question, 2 and the question is always going to be shuffled. So Students aren’t going to have the same question one so it gets a little complicated. So if somebody says says, Hey, question one is worded in a confusing way, I don’t understand it. I I think that I can argue for a better grade because the wording was confusing. If they tell you question one, you are not going to know what question one is you’re not going to know because their question. One is going to be different. So you would have to ask them for the question text itself, What is the question that you’re asking And here you’re able to find the question if you give them a title. So I prefer to do something descriptive i’ve had i’ve met other instructional designers who who just copy the question text and paste it in here, which you can do but it cuts it off at some point so I like to go with something descriptive, and I also like to use a shorthand in order to do this. So I go with shorthand like Mc for multiple choice. I go with esf or essay I go with T. F. For true and false and there are a whole bunch of different question types here that you can use, and I prefer to use a short hand when I’m dealing with that, because i’ve worked with a faculty member who who wanted to make a quiz that was only true or false questions, and if I hadn’t used hadn’t So if I hadn’t you showed him how to do the shorthand for his question titles he would have had to go into every question. click on it, open it up see if it’s a true or false question. Then go in and add it to his course. It is a very long process. It is not fun for anyone. Shorthand is a lot easier. So I can have a true or false question. And let’s just say the disc question is about cap dog Gonna do that. and i’m gonna choose true or false from the option. and then i’m going to scroll down here To the question text, This is the question text, So that bug is a popular cartoon from the nineties So i’m going to say that is true because that’s kind of my opinion, and I watched it for a little bit. But you have your answer options down here at the bottom. You have True, you have false so If you’re a if the answer is actually false. You would put your mouse next to false and you would get this lighter version of the green arrow, and then you would click on that now would set false as your correct answer. We’re gonna stick with true because that’s that’s my opinion. So you have underneath the answer options. You have 2 boxes. You have the green box for the correct answer. This is to provide feedback based on the answer. So you can tell them feedback on why this option is true. You can choose this option. Why, this option is wrong. So you got this answer? incorrect and you can give them an explanation on why it’s incorrect. This is a very, and this is a good option for feedback. If you are if you are, if you have 2 answer options that are very similar to each other, and you did it on purpose mostly. And so If you design your questions to be like slightly different, then you can give feedback based on that. Based on that wrong answer. It was like you were almost there. You were almost there. But this answer is incorrect because so it’s a really good option for that. If you just wanted to provide feedback based on a the general question. So, especially if you’re doing multiple answers. you could do feedback. That’s based on correct answers. you could do feedback that’s based on incorrect answers. You could do a general feedback, so that doesn’t matter if they got it correct or invited. You can provide supplemental instruction here in your general feedback. So if you wanna do feedback for all of your questions with a highly recommend, highly recommend, because students can learn from their mistakes, and that helps them with reviewing. It helps them prepare for the final. It helps them with their studying. It lowers the amount of emails that you get, and or questions that they post to a discussion forum. So if you provide feedback based on your questions, it helps students in it provide supplemental instruction. But you could do that with your general and then you can scroll up to the top And since we’re adding this question directly to the quiz you can set your points so points I could say this is worth 2 points. I don’t know I could set it to 5 because I really like cat dog, for like 30 s. And then we’re gonna click on update this question So now we have in this quiz one the question that is worth 2 points, and up here at the top, on the right hand side. You see that the points for the quiz went up from 0 to 2. So as you add questions to your quiz the points are going to increase automatically. But let’s just say we want to add a new question we want to add a question from a different quiz. So if we want to add a question from a different quiz we can do that. So let’s say we wanted to add I have different question Banks here, so i’ll show you how to do question Banks in a minute. They have different question. Banks listed here under my account, so I can choose one of those question banks. This one only has one question, but you can see in the under the list I have. There are different question banks from different courses that i’m enrolled in So I have are different question banks that I have created So I have a question bank with 15 questions. I have a question made with 5 questions. One question, so you can see which course it came from, and you can see the question bank. So if I wanted to use a question bank from a completely different course. I could add the questions from that question bank here, or if there’s a specific question that I asked in a different course, I can add it here without having to type it in again, so I chose the midterm question bank from a different different sandbox. I’m going to select the question so you could see with my short hand. The question title and it’s a multiple choice day of the week, and you can see the question text. If I did not give my quiz question a title, this would just say question, this title right here. It would just say question, and you would have a long list of question, and then you would have to actually look at the question text in order to figure out what this is. And it doesn’t tell you the type of question that it is so. If you don’t specifically remember that it’s a true or false, or it’s a multiple choice you’re not gonna know, based off of this list. So I can add, Okay, question by clicking on the button. And there you have it. I have a question. I have 2 questions. In the quiz. Now, this one has 1 point to it so I can go in and edit it, and maybe I want to be 4 points. I’m going to update that question so now, I have 6 points to my quiz after adding the quiz question here. Now, if I wanted to add an entire think Question bank similar quiz. I could click on find questions. I can go to one that has multiple questions. I can choose to select all I can scroll down to the bottom, add selected questions. Now I have multiple questions from the question bank here and they’re all worth 0 points. So I can go in. I could edit. I can all make them all 1 point. If I wanted to update Question i’m not going to do that for each and everyone but you could see Now, I’m going to go over to New Question Group Question group is really good. If you want to reuse questions for multiple banks, and you also want to randomize which questions get chosen. So each student gets a different question every time. So you can choose group. You could give this group a name which is helpful if you wanted to add different questions from different places to include in this But most of the time you don’t have to you don’t have to worry about renaming this unless you want to. So with this group you can pick, let’s say I Want to pick 3 questions, and I want each question to be worth 5 points per question, and then I would click on link to question bank from there. Let’s just say I want it from this course i’m going to select that bank click on the button Assist Select bank. You will see down at the bottom questions will be pulled from the bank, and it shows the bank where it’s going to be pulled, and I’m going to click on the red button just above that to create the group so now i’m going to scroll up, and my score and my points for this quiz is now 22 points. So all of these questions are now going to be part of the cool part of the part of the quiz And now i’m going to save and publish But what if you have a quiz and you you want to do question Banks? I i’m going to go to quizzes in the sidebar. The top right hand corner next to the add quiz button. There is a 3 vertical dot icon button i’m gonna click on that. I’m gonna click on manage question banks for question Banks. I am going to add a new question bank, and this is going to be my reading review Question Bank, and I want to click the enter button to submit that. And now I have a question bank, so I could click on the title. And this is where I can add my questions which is what I highly recommend. So if you’re making a quiz if you’re making an exam. I recommend creating a question bank for each one. It makes life easier, as you could see from me, adding questions. So from here. add a question to this and let’s just say I am going to. I’m going to do a fill in the blank question and this fill in the blank question is Ohio. capital and i’m going to choose fill in the blank, and I’m going to type in what is the capital of Oh, Oh, and so we’re going to do a possible answer and that possible answer is going to be you. Brunswick is going to be Since Cincinnati is going to be Cleveland and Columbus. Okay, Maybe I should probably should go with like Akron or something. So there you go! So there you go. I have the different answer. options. You can add more app answer options. If you want to. This is something that you could do for multiple choice, so as well. So you don’t have to stay with just one of those but you can also delete answer options. So if you only wanted to do the 3 c’s I could trash Akron and only do the 3 c’s. Okay, So i’m gonna I want to make this 2 worth 2 points, and i’m going to update my question But if I wanted to, I could add feedback so Columbus is the obvious choice. I don’t think that you should have feedback that is quite this but or could be read as sparky but this is just an example. So i’m going to update the question and now. I have this question bank, so I can move multiple questions to different banks. I can edit the bank details. I can add questions so there’s lots of things that you could do with a question bank, and then I can go in and add that question bank to my quiz. If I want it to Okay. So now I have my reading review question quiz, and you can take a look at it at the quiz by clicking on preview. This is only available to in the instructors. And here, on the right hand side, you see questions question one through 9. These are all going to be different, based on the student it’s not going to be the same thing. This is what students are going to see. They see the instructions. They see the time limit. They see the top how much time they’ve spent. So you can hide that if you want to, and you have the question. So this is what they get to see they see question one but it’s cap dog. We didn’t add that question in until later. right or is that first Hmm! That was the first one. that was the first one. Next next. Okay. Okay, So I can see that from the preview. it goes through chromologically the way that I added it. But it is not going to be that way for students it’s not so I can let’s see student view it’s locked. I’m going to leave student view. Go back to my modules Go back to my reading review. Okay. So now that we have this quiz, we have a student who needs extra time. So you go to the quiz, and on the summary page you have related items over on the right hand side bar. Moderate. This, quiz is the option that you are looking for so moderate. This quiz. we’re going to check on the student who needs the the time, so change extensions for one selected student. I will do that Add extra attempts. So this student gets one attempt, but I can manually unlock the quiz for the next attempt. If I want to, so I cancel. Hmm! let me go back so I can show Edit details time limit. So let’s say 60 min we’re gonna go down and save. Now I’m going to moderate this quiz this person needs extra time. So i’m going to click on that student change extensions. Now you can see extra attempts, and you can see extra time. So extra time on every attempt this person gets 30 extra minutes. They get time and a half, so everyone already gets 60 min. This is something that everyone gets. You are adding on the extra time you’re not going to put in 90 min. You’re not replacing what they already get you’re just adding one to it. So you’re adding the 30 min on there and then you click on, save. So now you have a student student gets 30 extra minutes on each attempt. You have now completed your accessibility requirement for that student to give them time and a half. So now i’m going to go back to the reading review using the breadcrumbs at the top, and we’re gonna click on speed grader when it’s time to great it you can click on the quiz and go to the summary page, and you can access your speak greater from there you don’t have to. You don’t have to if you don’t want to you can always get it from the grade book. But if you wanted to grade it, or if you had to change something for a student you can use speed greater to grade the quiz in speed greater. You have the title of the quiz, the due date. You have the number of quizzes that you have graded, and you have the number of students number of students in the in the class. So i’m trying to remember how this looks from the teachers perspective I don’t think that this is submissions. I think that this is number of students in the course so even if some students didn’t submit anything they’re going to be included in this total number right here. Then you have students. So if you were doing anonymous grading, they would just be students. You can click 4 4. You could click back, or you could click forward along the list of students. So if you click next, and that student hasn’t submitted anything, you could just keep going until you find a submission. So the assessment is a grade out of 22 points. So I can give this student 22 points. I can give comments, so if i’m answering an essay question on here. I can give them a comment or feedback, and I could do different feedback, so I can give them emojis. I can give them I can talk to text so if I wanted to provide feedback. But okay, and I wanted to do a little bit hands free or didn’t feel like typing. I could do talk to text. I can submit a video feedback if I wanted to, or I can attach a document. The one thing that you need to remember is that students can reply to your comments. So I remember teaching a course, and I submitted comments to people’s a set assignments, and then I didn’t. I went back and to look at some feedback that I had done for somebody else like. I remembered I I wanted to just copy what I told somebody else and send it to another student who’s having the same problem. And then I saw that the student had replied to my comment, and I was like, Oh, you know, I didn’t think that that was a thing, but it is if you end up having like a whole conversation with students in your comments on here you can download submission comments and save it, especially if that student is arguing for a difference rate. Or We think that they cheated, or something happened here, and you need that conversation to be saved and submitted somewhere. You can download the submission comments okay so I’m gonna go back to I’m gonna go over to Great book. So with the the grade book, you have the standard view. So the standard view this is by default what it looks like. You have a long list of students, and you have each of your assignments in your course. So would you have here is that you have I have an assignment, and it has a line here. So there isn’t a point there isn’t a submission but I can add points here so it’s a out of 5. I can give that person a 4 and put in that’s how you would put in a manual grade You just click on the line. You put it in the text box you’re able to access speed grader from this button on the right hand side. It kind of looks like a door with an arrow in it. And then you could scroll along the assignments to see other ones, but also what you can do from the grade book. You can’t do much here, but you could also move your assignments so that way you see them differently. So let’s say that you have a ta in your course, and your ta grades all of the weekly quizzes. Your ta could go in and move this grade book so that way all of the weekly quizzes come up first for that for them. So they would have all of the weekly quizzes here, and they could just scroll through each week, and great those assignments. If you are in here, and you want to view your assignments in a specific order, you can view them in a specific order. You’re going to have them kind of group together as far as groups. Or you’re going to see them the same way that they have been added in the course. so things that were created first will show up here, and then it’ll go through in that sequence of when they were created. But it depends on what you’re doing in your assignments area. So you’re able to scroll to to move things up or down. So if you wanted to, if you have weighted grades, you would have weighted grade color. You could move all of your weighted grade columns towards the end. Here wherever the end is for this. but you have participation, which is 5% of the grade. You can move all of your waited columns down to the end. So that way. you don’t have to view them you are also able to import from a an excel sheet. If you have it. you can export it to an excel. You can export the entire grade book. you can view it differently if you wanted to, so you can arrange it by different ways. Assignment types. You can do it by points. You could do it by modules. You can filter assignment by assignment groups. You can filter by modules you could filter it by statuses, whether it’s incomplete or complete. You could take a look at that. you can view options for you can view all of the ungraded assignments to make sure that you graded everything, every greatest in there before you submit it to Via official i’m drawn a blank so the official Ohio State grading thing. Why, am I i’ve i’ve lost the word the word is not there anymore. It was there and then it’s no longer there I was getting ready to say it. But it’s not there anymore. but once we’re getting ready to submit your grades for student for like student transcripts and everything. That thing that I cannot remember and I it’s hard if I can’t remember it. But before you submit there you need to make sure that you do not have any dashes. You do. You have to have some form of grade in this common grade book before you submit it over to the official thing because you could mess things up. You could view your your your notes and unpublished assignments, and then for your settings in your grade book all over on the right hand side There’s a gear icon for your grade book settings and with grade book settings. You have your late policies. so this is good to set up, so you can have automatically apply a grade for missing submissions. So for missing submissions. you could say it’s 0%. That’s automatically. The grade that is going to be given if they miss the deadline in it just never shows up automatically. Apply, apply a deduction to late submissions. So for every day that this assignment is late, you have minus 5%. But you can also do this by hour. If you wanted by hour, you lose one percentage point every hour that you were late. It doesn’t matter, but also it doesn’t matter if you’ve got 100% on the quiz. If you are a full 24 h late, you are you, miss? 24% of your great that is, that is harsh, in my opinion. But that is up to you. If you wanted to Do i’m gonna stick with 5% per day. And then the lowest grade possible that it will stop at it will not subtract anymore, is 60%. If you’ve submitted it, you deserve some form of passing grade, not the failing grade. But you can. You can set it up. However, you want to I’m just a softy, I think So we have the grade posting policy, which is up at the top. So for grade posting policy, you can do automatically. Post grades, but I would move with caution on this one. because if you select automatically post grades that means that as you are grading, students are getting their grades, they’re getting a notification from carmen saying hey? Your assignment has been graded, and some of these kids, the the some of the students, if they are waiting for their final exam grade to come up. And you are. You just finished grading the first essay? They are going to get their grade They are going to get it they’re going to see it. They’re going to see the answers are going to see your feedback, and then it’s sitting right next to one of their. They’re friends who are also in the class and they’re like I got my grade back and then they look at their friend and their friend hasn’t gotten their grade back. And it takes you, maybe 2 or 3 days to get through all of those essays That student is going to be sitting in a stew of anxiety until you get to their name. So I do not recommend automatically posting grades I don’t recommend it. What I do write is manually post grades. That means that you can take 2 or 3 days to do grade through all of the essays, and then, when everything is graded, you can go to your column, and you can say post the grades, and then everybody gets that notification that the grades are out At the same time. It’s kind of like back in the day when you were able to bring out all the grades on a piece of paper and post it to a bulletin board, and all of the students could see their grade at the same time it’s kind of like that. but it’s easier because you don’t have crowds So you could do it that way. I that’s the one that I recommend but it’s entirely up to you. If you are the type of person who would forget to post the grades, then automatically post the grades. And then you have advanced so you can allow final grade. Override This is kind of good if you want it to add extra credit to your course, or if you, if you want it, to bump up their grade by a few points in the end, you could do that and then you can apply the settings, and there you have your grade book. so So this one I have my reading review you can see that the eye is crossed out, which means that the grades have not been posted, so I will click on the vertical icon next to the aside the quiz name i’ll click on that, and it gives you a dropdown menu where you can. have different options. And I could click on post grades. Okay, So postgrades, you have one that is hidden. So all students will be able to see their grade and or submission comments. So students who have received a greater submission, comment will be able to see their grade and or submission comments. You have those options, I will post Other options that you have here from grade book that is pretty handy. You can curve your grades, or you can message students who Now, this is This is a nice feature, because you do not have it in your inbox. You can message a student students who have not submitted their assignments. Yet you can message students who have not been graded yet. You can message students who scored more than a certain point. You can message students who scored less than so if you have students who scored less than 60%. Then you can message message to these students. and you can send them a message like hey? If you you you’re getting this message because you scored low on the quiz. Here are some resources for you to improve your grade in the future, and please utilize my office hours to come in so that way we can go over any issues you may have with understanding the course material I i’m here to help just you know. Please take any of this help that I am offering to you. You can do that with your students. from the grade book, which is handy. Okay. So from there. I am going to we’re going to head over to assignments Okay from the assignments. Page assignments is kind of like the second part of the grade book. So, if you remember cassette tapes at all. There is a side a and then there was side b I know i’m really dating myself. But this would be the side B to the grade book. So what you have in assignments is you’re able to create your assignment groups and these assignment groups show up in your grade book, and it is also the way for you to create weighted assignments So with weighted assignments, if you, the way the way that I recommend setting up your time at groups is based on your syllabus. So if you have weighted assignments in your syllabus, or you want to say that an essay or final project is worth 30% of the grade, I would set up your assignment groups based on that So I have assignments I have X’s. I have a project I have quizzes and I have participation. So these are my assignment groups based on some random syllabus that I haven’t created ever But if you take a look at your syllabus and you have your grade system setup, and in a particular way, do you duplicate that recreate that here in your assignment groups you Do not need to have a assignments visible to students. I think I talked about that in part. One of this webinar but you don’t need this to be visible to students, because this is kind of like part of your great book. So you have your assignment groups, and you can add weights to your assignments. So in the top right hand corner, to the right of the Ad. Assignment button. you can add weights with the vertical icon. But before that, because i’m dropping ahead, you can add a group. So if you’re going to add a group, you have the add group button to the left of the Ad. Assignment button, and what you get is you can add the assignment group, and I am going to add Midterm as my group save name. so now I have midterm as my group. your mid you’re assignment groups can have only one assignment in it. If that’s what you need So you can. you can have only one assignment There it’s perfectly fine because of the weighted system. You do not need to have multiple things under a group in order for it to be valid. You could have only one thing. so in participation I can add an assignment for participation under midterm. I can add a quiz for the midterm for my project. It is a final project There I can add the final project. Assignment to the to this group only needs one. Okay, and then, what we’re going to do is we’re going to go up here to the the version. Icon, and we’re going to add weights. So we have added assignment dates, and right underneath that we have assignment groups. Wait. we’re gonna click on that and we’re gonna add our groups. I’m gonna zoom out a little bit so we can see? So you’re going to check the box that says wait final grade based on assignment groups, and then you see all of the assignment groups that we have created and we’re going to add we’re going to add groups so for assignments. Let’s say we’re only at 10% for the assignments for the essays. Let’s say that’s about 15% for the midterm Okay. The midterm is 20. Let’s make quizzes worth 20 I don’t know I have no idea and all of those add up to 100%. You cannot go over, and you cannot have a group with all with that doesn’t have a weight assigned to it. So every group that you create in here needs to have if you’re going to do weighted grades. Then each assignment group needs to have a weight to it you can’t do a 0% grade It causes glitches. It’s not fun it’s not fun for anybody Okay, So what we can see here is that I have a rule set up for my assignment group for quizzes, and that one rule is to drop the lowest 2 scores you can set that up by clicking on edit. Let me zoom out it’s getting a little by clicking on edit, and then you have the number of scores to ignore for each student. If you don’t want to ignore any just leave it at 0. If you want to get rid of, if you have, if you have weekly quizzes, and you want to get rid of the 2 lowest scores you can ignore the 2 lowest scores And then, save. But if there’s something that you never want dropped So if you had something in your quizzes, and you never wanted that score to get dropped, then you could select it, and you can select multiple ones if you need to, and then you can save. So now I should have 2 rules set up for that group. Oops. So we now have 2 rules and it’s worth 20%, and my weights, if you wanted to move one of your quizzes If you want to move something. Oops Oh, no, You would grab the domino to the left hand side of the quiz you address and drop it. You have to open this first. you would drag and drop it in your in your assignment group wherever you wanted to add that to Okay. So now we’ve covered the grade book we’ve covered assignment groups. We’ve covered how to make a quiz we’ve covered question Banks. We still need to create an assignment. so i’m going to go back to my module. I’m going to add an assignment we’re going to create an assignment. We’re gonna call this a reading reflection i’m not going to indent it in this one going to add that item. So we now have an assignment called reading reflection, and we have the assignment summary page. We’re gonna click on edit we’re going to set our instructions here that expectations and just like in the quiz. We’re going to put everything Students need to know From the summary page But also if you had an assignment like a final paper, and you had multiple pages worth of instruction, and you don’t want to copy and paste it all here. I do not recommend copy copying, copying, and pasting it all here, but I do. If you do have a Pdf document or a word document that you want, that has all of your instructions for the assignment, you can add. It here, so you can have your instructions here. You can highlight this. You can add, course, documents. You could upload the file, and you can click on the Pdf. With all of the instructions in there add the instructions we’re also going to go click on that hyperlink and go to link options. We’re gonna go down we’re gonna say preview in line and expand preview by default. Done this way. Students can view all of the instructions, on the summary page, and they can scroll through it, and they do not have to download it if they don’t want to. But they will have the option to download it onto their computer, but they could also read the whole document from the from the summary page scrolling down. We have our assignments, so we have. We have our assignment settings. So we have our points. Now let’s just say that this is worth 100 points. And Then we have our assignment group we’ll leave it in the assignments assignment group. But maybe let’s say, this is an essay so we’re gonna say we’re gonna put that in our essays display grade as points. But you have the option to display it as a percentage, complete, incomplete letter, grade, gpa scale, or make this a not graded assignment, which is great for the practice. Or if you want it to do the rafts of an essay before they actually get to the final one, you can do that. So we can check the box to say this does not count towards the final grade, which is good for practice. Assignments. and then you have your submission type. So your submission type. you have no submission. This is a good thing. If you wanted to set up an assignment for your participation. Students are not submitting anything. you are just keeping track of their participation. However, you keep track of that, and then you can go into your grade book and manually add the points to their grade, and they don’t have to click on anything or submit anything. You have the on paper option which is kind of like no it’s gonna show up in your gradebook kind of like a no submission, because there’s nothing for carmen to process but it’s more of a note to you that these assignments were made on paper they’re kind of the same. It’s kind of the same, though because you can put manually put in the grade from the paper assignment. It’s just this is more of a note online online submission. So you could do text entry, and you could do file uploads. Those are my 2 by default check boxes. you can. You have other options, such as website, Url Media recordings and student annotation for different types of submissions. Website. Url is good. If a student wants to share a link to a Cloud service document, if they saved their document onto a cloud service, this opens up different options as far as submissions go, students can copy and paste text from a from word or from Google Docs, or whatever they could submit it through text entry, copy, paste. They could just provide the link to 2, the file on their cloud service. One drive Google Docs Google drive box, whichever or they could do a file upload so they could directly upload a word document or a Pdf document. If you do not want them to upload a pages document because you have a Pc. And you do not have pages, and if they send you a pages document you won’t be able to open it. Anyway, you can restrict your upload file types. to to Doc back X and that Pdf: But if you do it this way, oops, you don’t need the periods. Sorry if you do it this way. You would have to include every file type that you’re willing to accept. So that means if you’re willing to accept a text file. Then you can put that in there or you could just put that ben information into your instructions and leave this unchecked. Say, hey? only see, Submit a Pdf document or a word, doc, and people who have apple computers and use pages. They can always export their document to a Pdf. I do it all the time, or they could they could even access it to a word document. But word documents will mess up their formatting it doesn’t look right on the other end. So pdf is the option, if you’re going if you’re students are using an apple computer, and you do not have an apple computer to open pages or If you don’t have pages on your apple computer, which is the thing that some people do. I love working in pages. So I I have it there. but some people don’t so here we go. Submission types. so mention a tense i’m so sorry submission attempts. So we have the submission attempts. you can allow limited or unlimited attempts. Unlimited attempts are great if you’re doing a draft of an essay, or if you’re doing an assignment that is practice or low stakes, that you can allow students to keep submitting until they get it correct. you have. That option Limited is probably the most common one, I think, for some, and the limited attempt is one attempt. But you can do 2. You could do 3 if you only want them to do 2 drafts before they get to the final, or if you want to allow them to do 3 or 4, or 5. I think you’d go at Google up to 10 Oh, you could go up to more at that point. You should just have unlimited but if you have, if you, if you want them to have only one attempt at the assignment, you can do one attempt laterism. review. so you can use turn it in to review to review the essay for plagiarism. There are different options that you can use. So you have the institution. You can store your submissions in the Institution paper repository. That means that every time a student submits the same assignment. If if one student has taken your class and you store it on the paper repository, if they give that paper to a student that comes in your next course, you will know, because this the paper is stored in the repository and once that student submits it. then, you will see that it’s word for word, the exact same paper that was submitted last semester or 2 semesters ago, or I think up to 3 years. I think is the the date like 3 years it’s saved in there so if students try to reuse other people’s papers. It’s here. you can exclude bibliographic materials, exclude quoted materials exclude small sources. But that looks complicated, and and then you can save this as your default settings for all of your Turn it in needs, and then you could show the report immediately or after the assignment is graded, or after the due date, or never. If you show this immediately, I recommend upping the attempts to 2. This gives students the opportunity to correct their plagiarism mistakes. So I remember when I was in college. I was taking a Spanish course, and I want it to improve my Spanish. So I went to Wikipedia, and I translated a page over. I I clicked the button to translate it over to Spanish, and I copied some Spanish text, and I put it in a word document, and I was writing my paper off of that Wikipedia text like trying to find words that I didn’t use before and using it and trying to figure out word structure, and how they would say it and I was try. I was like. I know how I would say it, and I see how they would say it, and do some sort of hybrid of that. But I made the mistake of submitting the Wikipedia document, and I got my paper back, and it was an F. And I was like I don’t understand why I got an F. And I looked at it, and I was like, Oh, my God! I submitted the Wikipedia document I did not put. I did not submit my actual essay, so I had to run all the way back to my dorm and print out the new essay, and turn that in. But any student could go and copy and paste the wrong document. So I do recommend upping that to 2 attempts if you’re going to do that. Okay, So group assignment, so you could check this box and turn it into a group assignment and assign grades to each student individually or assigned students as a group. So if you check the box each student will get a we’ll see the grade individually, they will all get the same grade. But it’ll show up in their little individual columns you could leave this unchecked, and they will get a group grade which shows up a little bit differently. And then you can select the group so you can have different groups. So I have project groups that you could do a different group, or you could create a new group right here. If you need to create a new group, So i’m gonna uncheck this, because this is not a group assignment, and then you could do peer reviews. So you if you’re doing a draft of an essay and you want students to review the the graph the the draft I was getting ready to say glitch, cause my mouse is glitching. You could require peer reviews, you can manually assign a peer review, or automatically assign a peer review. So if you automatically assign repair, you then you have to go in and actually Then you don’t need that’s like the easier option manually. You have to go and actually pair up the students automatically. You could say reviews per user, so they’ll review 2 assignments. And then you can assign the reviews. You can say so after this assignment has been turned in. Then the reviews are going to start let’s say that the due date is Friday. So the reviews need to be done by next Friday, and let’s just say that we’re going to do 1159 Pm. done, and then you can do. Add this to be anonymous. So if they do see their friends paper, unless they read their friends paper beforehand, they won’t know, and they will give them more honest review. And then you can assign to everyone, and you could do the due date. So I think due date will be Sorry I have my son. He is on winter break, and he is here with me. So sorry if you heard that So 1159 pm we’re going to open this up. We’re gonna open this up tomorrow. Allow students to actually get in there, and i’m not going to hide this at all. So they can do late submissions if they want to. But in order. wait that doesn’t make sense this isn’t real. But let’s just say they can do a late submission up until Sunday night. Give them an extra week. Give them the weekend to finish it if they need to. Okay. Save and publish. So now we have the instructions. We have the instructions listed here, scroll all the way down. We have our points, and now we can add a rubric. So, adding a rubric You can either create your rubric here, give it a title, and start creating your rubric right here in assignments, or you can find a rubric that has previously been created So I can find another one that has been previously created but let’s show you how to create one. here. So we can say that this is going to be reflection, rubric So you have your title. You have your criteria or your criterion that happens here. You have your ratings, You have your points you can add a criterion here, and we’re gonna click on that, so you can see we’re going to duplicate duplicate. Once you have one of them set up, it is. It makes your life a whole lot easier if you just duplicate it and change as you go. So change the title. you can give it a longer description if you need a description. There if you don’t need it, you could just update criterion, and then you can go on and you can have your points. So if you set one up to add points. Sorry, I think that was fast. So I have 5 points, and I have 0 points. but if I want points in between, I click on the plus port icon in the middle And you can say 4 points, and you can give this a new title. I don’t know this one’s this one just showed up you can give a description. So this description is what what makes this worth 4 points. So this is worth 4 points. You you you know how to do aver break. But what makes this 4 points that goes into your rating description? Update the rating, add another one. This one is going to be 3 points. It automatically does something and then this is I don’t know I don’t know. I have no idea, anyway, is a random word that i’m adding to this. But this, what? What makes this 3 points update rating? And you can keep going until you get to 0 points. you can change this. So if you want it to be worth 10 points instead, you can update rating and you have the points here updated on the side, and you can see the total points on the bottom. Have been updated Okay, and then you have your settings down here at the bottom. So you have i’ll write free form comments when assessing students. You can click that button that you could check that box. If you want to remove points from rubric, so you can remove points from rubric, and then that makes your list shorter. So i’m gonna uncheck that. So when you remove points from rubric you lose, Use this rubric of our assignment grading and hide score total for assessment results. You lose those 2 boxes because this automatically puts it in the I’m. Using this for grading category and then it shows up. For in your grade book, based on your assignment grade book settings. Don’t post outcome results, learning mastery grade book if you use outcomes. This is for you. If you do not use outcomes, you do not have to check this box. Use this rubric for assignment grading. you could check this box and then hide it. Goes the way, and our hide score total for assessment results. So if you’re not using this for grading you can hide the score, and not it won’t affect the grade book Okay, So then you can create rubric And since i’m using it to grade the points from the rubric have changed the points for the assignment, because I selected that option when the popup came, so that’s what happens otherwise? I could trash this rubric, add a rubric, find a rubric that I have already created. Select that rubric In that rubric has come up on the bottom of here. The points are the same. so it doesn’t need to match and this is what one would look like as as a full full rover that you’ve created. if you want to go in and create your own rubrics you have it over here in the side this course, navigation sidebar, and you can add a rubric and created here and use it in Other courses. Okay, the last thing that we have to do I think we did go over here I think we did go over, but the last thing that we have to do is groups. So we’re gonna go over to the people in the course navigation sidebar. We don’t have any people in my sandbox site but when you have your course you can set up your groups. So you have in the right hand corner the add group set button. So i’m gonna click on that and I can create a group. So what you have here is group set name group set name is an umbrella title. It’s an umbrella title so If you have final presentations that students are doing as a group work. This is your type. This is your umbrella title. You can allow for self sign up, which means students will go to the people link in the sidebar, and then they would go to the groups and they would sign up for the groups. You can also require them to be in the same section which is handy if they’re doing presentations together. Or you can uncheck that box for sign up, and you can manually assign students. So group structure. you can create groups. later. you can split students by number of groups. You could split number of students per group. So if you only want 5 groups, Carmen will automatically divide your students up into those 5 groups. If you want to have groups of 3, then Carmen will create as many groups as there are sets of 3. So if you end up having a group at the end where there’s only 2 students, or there’s only one student, then you’re going to have to add that one student to a group somewhere else, and you would have to change the settings a little bit or you can create group later. so you can manually set up your groups. So i’m going to split students by number of groups, and I want 5 groups and require the groups to be in the same section. If you have multiple sections in your course site, so you can also do automatically. Assign a student group leader. You can do that. So you could set it as the first student to join the group is the leader, or you can set a random student as a group leader. So if you allow for self sign up, you could say the first student to join is the group leader, or you could just have it randomly set. Set the group leader. So it doesn’t automatically assigned it to the first person. The that’s kind of scary it’s like I will just wait until somebody else signs up, cause I do not want to be the group leader. Whereas the random one is more like a lottery like yay. You became the group leader. So now you have on the people page. You have everyone which is the list of all of the students in the course you have t the tab next to it, which is the newest group to be added to your to your course. So that’s your final presentations group and under here That’s the one that we just created. So we have 5 different groups here, and we have final presentation. One final presentation, 2 final presentation, 3, So if you decided that each group can name their own group, you can click on edit, and they have their own group name, but they want to be known as the Tigers. For whatever reason you can save. And now you have tigers instead of final presentation, one. But nothing changes as far as the the umbrella tab at the top. This is still your final presentations group Set if you have. When you have students in your course, you will have this. Do the number of students added to the quote to the group over here on the right hand side. If you have. if you have students who have not been assigned to a group, they will show up on the left hand side of the groups, and you’ll be able to see them listed. And you could just drag and drop them to a group if you want it to reassign. A member of a group. You can use the dropdown menu that arrow, and you’ll have a list of students that are in that group. And if you decide these 2 students can’t be together i’m going to take one of them i’m going to drag, and I’m going to drop them into a different group and i’m going to switch with another member fixed it. and then off on the right, very far, right hand side of each group you have the vertical icon, vertical icon, and you can visit the group homepage. So the group homepage is where students can work together with their group members. This is not visible to other groups. This is just the ones who are assigned to that group, and here they have their own little query site area. They can. They have a recent activity as part of their homepage for their group. So if they have messages or anything like that that’s going on, they have pages that were created The recent activity will show up here. But you also able to add announcements. So the group leader can. The group. Anybody in the group can actually make an announcement to the rest of the group. So if somebody is like, Hey, I won’t be able to make it to our group meeting. What do you all need me to do? Just let me know. Reply to this announcement and I can do it if you have the group leaders like, Hey, we’re all meeting on Friday night at 6 Pm. This is where we’re meeting or hey? we’re all meeting via Zoom. This is what we’re doing. and you can have They could set up pages so they could work together and do a collaborative document kind of and create their own page, create their own create the plan for their for their presentation. They could take a look at the people who are in the group. They can have their own discussion forum here, so they can type up threads and replies, and then they could share files with each other, and they can do collaboration. so they can start a new collaboration or collaborative word, document. And they can add stuff here. and you as the instructor. You can go in here. you can interact with each group. You can add us an announcement. You can respond to questions in their discussions. you can check up on the groups as you go, and you’re also able to on the right left hand side, be able to switch to a different group if you wanted to. And you can check up on each group and see how they’re doing whether they’re having issues. Are they meeting? Is there any activity going on in this group at all? You have that option to as the instructor to look at that Okay. So I am going to switch over. So in the session we created a quiz. We did question banks. we created an assignment. we selected appropriate grades and submission settings. We use the speed greater. We created a graded. Oh, we did not create a graded discussion. We did not do that. Okay, let’s do that and no we’re going over. But let’s talk about graded discussions because I did not do that. Let’s go back to the master course using the bread crumbs, and now I can go back to my modules. I’m gonna go down to my assessments i’m going to click on the plus. i’m going to add a discussion, create a topic. But we’re just gonna But we’re just gonna we’re just gonna call this reading discussion Add item, we’re gonna click on that reading discussion. and it’s basically the same as a regular discussion. We see we can go in and edit, and we can add our props, and we can set expectations. So you let students know that this is going to be graded. Oops. Let them know that it’s going to be graded. Let them know the do they do that? let them know the requirements for good discussion. Let them know the response numbers. So all of that they can. You can set up here to set your expectations. You can post this to one specific section or multiple sections, depending on how many sections you have in the course site. You can attach files if you need to and then we’re gonna scroll down here to the options. So in part one. I did not go over graded so i’m gonna check the box that this is a graded discussion, and when you check the box for a graded discussion, it removes the option to add this to the student to do, because when it’s graded it’s already going to go onto the course, summary page, so it’s already gonna show up in the student’s dashboard as something that is to do so you have a group discussion you can set this up as a group discussion if you wanted to, and you could select the group. So we have project groups, and we have final presentations those are our groups in this course. But i’m going to leave this as unchecked and then points possible. So let’s say that this is worth 30 points I don’t know this is a very important discussion, and we can display the grade as points we can display it as percentage complete incomplete the same as you would for an assignment, and then you have except You can add it to an assignment group. So if you one or 2 you could have a discussions group under your assignment groups. But if it’s doesn’t fit in with the way you have a setup in your syllabus, and you use a weighted system, you do not have to you can just leave it in your assignments or whichever weighted column it belongs in. So we have peer reviews. You can include peer reviews the same as an assignment here. And you can assign to everyone you can assign it. You can do the due date so let’s say next Wednesday. it’s due, and then you can make it available from let’s say they can start on it today and you can make it available until or you can leave this open and it can be an open-ended discussion that is graded by the end of the semester. That is a thing that you can do okay so we’re gonna save and we’re going to publish. So now we have the great discussion and i’m going to take a look at it, and student view. So in student view, you have it it’s highlighted this is a graded discussion. 30 points possible. It has the due date up there. it has the prompt, and then they can start replying, and they can subscribe. So if they subscribe, they get notifications when people reply. So if they’re the first person to read, and they need to respond to 2 other people, they can subscribe and find out when other people post They can also find out when people reply to theirs. Okay, Leave Student View And switch back over. So yes, we created a graded discussion. We managed and created groups and regenerated a rubric for grading. That was a lot that was a lot, and we definitely went over So if you need any help with creating your course, if you need solutions for your course, if you just wanna figure out what tools to use active learning strategies that you can use to improve student engagement if you are looking to add interactive elements to your horse. If you want to add videos to your course, you can contact an instructional designer, and we can help you improve your course in any way that you need improving. If you would like somebody to review your course and see where you can make up improvements, we are able to help you with that as well. So you could contact and instructional designer. And if you are part of teaching and learning, you can contact Katie. If you are part of human sciences you can contact Christy, and if you are part of edge studies, you can contact me. Chanel. so any one of us could help with that and we can help you do all kinds of things. There’s h 5 p there’s videos active learning strategies creating effective assessments or quizzes. We can help you with a whole bunch of stuff so you can always send us an email or book time with us and pick our brains for a little bit brainstorm about a couple things set up a plan for even fall semester. So we’re here to help if you need us thank you for attending this webinar, and have a good winter break