thank you you don’t have any people in my sandbox site but when you have your course you can set up your groups so you have in the right hand corner the add group set button so I’m going to click on that and I can create a group so what you have here is group set name group set name is an umbrella title it’s an umbrella title so if you have final presentations that students are doing as a group work this is your type this is your umbrella title you can allow for self sign up which means students will go to the people Link in the sidebar and they would go to the groups and they would sign up for the groups you can also require them to be in the same section which is Handy if they’re doing presentations together um or you can uncheck that box for sign up and you can manually assign students so group structure you can create groups later you can split students by number of groups you can split number of students per group so if you only want five groups Carmen will automatically divide your students up into those five groups if you want to have groups of three then Carmen will create as many groups as there are sets of three so if you end up having a group at the end where there’s only two students or there’s only one student then you’re going to have to add that one student to a group somewhere else and you would have to change the settings a little bit or you can create groups later so you can manually set up your groups so I’m going to split students by number of groups and I want five groups and require the groups to be in the same section if you have multiple sections in your course site so you can also do automatically assign a student group leader you can do that um so you could set it as the first student to join the group is the leader or you can set a random student as a group leader so if you um allow for self sign up you could say the first student to join is the group leader or you could just have it randomly set set the group leader so it doesn’t automatically assign it to the first person because that’s kind of scary it’s like I will just wait until somebody else signs up because I do not want to be the group leader um whereas the random one is more like a lottery like Yay you became the group leader so now you have on the People page you have everyone which is the list of all of the students in the course you have the tab next to it which is the newest group to be added to your to your course um so that’s your final presentations group and under here that’s the one that we just created so we have five different groups here and then off on the right very far right hand side of each group you have the vertical icon vertical dot icon and you can visit the group home page so the group home page is where students can work together with their group members this is not visible to other groups it’s just the ones who are assigned to that group and here they have their own little course Site Area