okay now that we’re recording welcome to getting started with Carmen building your course this is part one um part two will come out next week um and that’s going to be over assigning an assess but this one is building your course so what you’re going to learn here is how to request a master course going over the dashboard in the global navigation course interface syllabus how to add modules and adding course content um if you do have questions Katie is so helpful and she will be answering questions in the chat as we go along um you can also I will stop along the way and ask if there are any questions and then you’ll be able to unmute your mic and ask questions then okay so I’m going to in the show at the moment and share the other screen there we go okay so I have Carmen canvas open um and what you see here is the login to Carmen button so if you’ve never used this before you have this comment login the Carmen button clicking on that you can sign in it usually pops up with the um what’s it called here Buckeye pass I think that’s what I think that’s it I think that’s it um but it also comes up as the duo app um so you’ll have to do the secondary um password there and then you have you come to your landing page and this is where you can find the courses that you’re enrolled in um and your master courses but you can also access your courses through the Carmen canvas dashboard um which you can access that button on the right hand side of the screen so right now you can see all the courses that I’m in and my master courses um we can scroll down here and request a master course so this is how you would request a Sandbox does every if if you’re on Carmen right now and you’re following along does everybody see the request Master courses button interesting I actually don’t have that you don’t save you okay um I wonder why that is Katie do you know why that is um I’m just wondering if uh you have um if you have limited limited scopes of powers uh uh as uh are you folks graduate students I’m a postdoc postdoc okay you should have this grad student Adriana is a grad student um there is Ariana says that she has it um and so does shantanu shantanu is also a grad student um Hmm this is odd wait maybe I miss what you were demoing while I was on Carmen so do I click um request a Carmen space that’s another way to do it yes yes where am I so it should be on the landing page um of Carmen and for me I have the request Master courses um do you see a button that says request Carmen space or just delete the request Master buttons but I see that that you’re highlighting that’s what I have I don’t have that bottom button okay I’ve used this link to request spaces for other people so you can definitely use this to um request a Sandbox as well right yes so I would have like a Carmen space horse shell that’s what I’m asking for yes yes so you put your email request a Karma’s base course shell and then you would put in like I would put in my sandbox my name is sandbox and you would be the course owner and you can go through the form and do all of that and I’m going to back up here and go through the request Master courses for people who can see request Master course um I’m going to put in the course name that I want and click request and I’m going to go to page three so course building Master course building your course sandbox is now there it’s very quick um whereas request a Carmen space takes a little bit of time okay so I’m going to go through there and I’ll just go to my my um dashboard when you go it log into Carmen and you have the Carmen canvas dashboard button and you click on that it will take you here to your dashboard and your dashboard has your published and your unpublished courses so you can see that I have eight published courses and I scroll when I scroll down I have 10 unpublished courses and then off to the right sorry all of your basis I think I can minimize the faces here so up on the right at the top you have the to-do list and this is something that students will see also but they’ll have their their own version with all the courses that they’re enrolled in so everybody gets a to-do list and the to-do list is created from sorry my rabbit is very thirsty if you can hear him in the back um so the to-do list is made up of assignments anything with due dates like graded discussions or anything that’s been added to the course to-do list from Pages um not non-graded discussions so you can add due dates and um grades on there and it’ll show up automatically on the to-do list and then you have your calendar view off to the side here with assignments and due dates that are coming up so these are things that students will also see but for instructors you also get this um view grades button which will take you directly to the gray book so that way you don’t have to go to a specific course and click click through to the grades page um are there any questions about the dashboard before I move on to account settings I have a question I just put in the chat but it might be easier for me to just ask it out loud um before we move on past like course creation and stuff so usually those course shells populate automatically like every time I’ve been a TA they’ve my course for the upcoming semester has just been in there and I put the content in whether it’s using that Master course or just adding content manually do you know has that changed for this year because I know there are several of us who don’t yet have our course shells so do we have to request those now um your role as a ta so the professor the professor would have already requested that if I’m correct on that okay okay so I should reach out to our supervisor yes okay perfect thank you because maybe they just haven’t added you to the course right that’s a possibility as well okay thank you okay all right so for the account settings this is where you’re going to find your notifications and your account settings um so the important part here are your notifications um so for notifications you can go to go to this page and select what you want to get notifications on and how so right here I have course activities and due date and it’s attached to my OSU email and so you have the different options I’m going to zoom in on this part so you have notified immediately daily summary weekly summary and notifications off so you have those options on how you want to receive your notifications um another thing that you can do within your settings here for your account is go to settings and you can add and another email address if you want it to have that information forwarded to a different email um I know not all faculty members use their Ohio State email address so you can add an email address for your notifications but anything official through Carmen is going to come directly to your Ohio State email unless you add the other email address and tell Carmen which notifications to send to that email but other than that you don’t really need anything else in um your account settings so any questions on that before we move into the actual course okay so right here in this we have our courses this is this gray bar is the global navigation so this is everything within Carmen um so you have your courses you have your calendar you have your inbox this is your email within Carmen um you can’t you can’t email students from if you go into your course you can’t email them you have to email them through your email inbox their inbox in Carmen my tongue is very tight today I’m sorry um and then you have your history you have the comments the commons is a place that has um templates it has example assignments it has resources that you can import into your course um so there’s different ones if your department has specific tools or resources they put onto Commons um you can ask around and see but you can also do a search because um the commons has resources from other universities as well some universities put up a example assignments or templates that are free to use for the entire canvas community so you can take a search through that oh hi Cindy no I did not mean it as you can only contact students through the Carmen inbox um if you were wanted to email through Carmen you the email feature is an inbox you’re not going to find the email feature in your course navigation sorry thank you I just didn’t want to make sure I didn’t email us soon and we weren’t supposed to do that so no I’m sorry okay um so I’m gonna go back to my courses here and I will get to calendar in a little bit um but courses so I’m going to find my courses this is basically like a little uh table of contents of which courses are in your dashboard so you have your published courses and your unpublished courses but you’re always able to access your course list from here also if you don’t see a course if you’re enrolled in way too many courses which is sometimes what happens to the instructional designers um you have to go to all courses in order to see the rest of your courses um so past enrollments are here things that have been kind of deactivated or no longer like the term has passed those are probably going to show up in your past enrollments and you can control what is on your dashboard from this list as well so you see these Stars next to the course title you click on the star and that adds that course to your dashboard and if you unclick it it takes it off of your dashboard um right now it just shows um all of my courses but if I enroll in too many then eventually some of the courses I’ll have to add to my dashboard okay so I am now going to go into the course is there are there any questions okay so when you get a course it is most likely going to be empty kind of like this um so you’re going to see a create new module link you can do it through here or you can add do the add module button here we’re not going to get to that yet first we’re going to weed out all of the features that we don’t need within karmic so this sidebar within your course this is your course navigation um it has red links so your course navigation is everything within your course you’re not going to be able to access the syllabus from a different course in this navigation so all the way down at the bottom there’s settings so I’m going to click on settings and that’s going to take me to the course settings course settings you can add an image to your course if you want if you have a banner or you want to put up the uh Department logo or if you have a particular image that you would like to add to your course you can add that image here you cannot change the name of your course I’m going to scroll zoom in a little bit so that this is easier to see you can’t change the name of your course or your course code um and then there’s not there’s not a whole lot to change here except maybe the start and end dates um and then you have the restrict students from viewing before term start date and we stick students from viewing after the course term end date so you can decide that you don’t want students to see the course until term starts because once you click publish on your course students will be able to see it unless you tell them tell Carmen to keep that hidden for a little bit and then you can also keep students from viewing your course after the end term date um but that’s optional for you I don’t really I don’t really see much of a point in it um but it’s definitely an option for you to take if you want to and then sometimes sometimes with a course I’ve seen some issues with the grade book so the grade book there may be an issue because um especially if you’re using groups in your course so you may have this checked in your course I don’t know how that happens but sometimes it happens we’re launched be greater filtered by student group is checked and that causes an um that makes the grade book a little bit confusing so if you ever open up your Gradebook and you’re using groups and it wants to grade based on a group go to your settings and make sure that this this box is not checked other than that there’s not much for this course Details page but we will skip over to the navigation tab at the top so the navigation tab is where you will filter out your features for your course um because as you can see on mine there’s a long list of tools on the side and not all of those tools are necessary basically when you’re designing your course you want to think about all of the things being connected to the modules and not sending students off into the sidebar for your course so you would really move down a lot of these [Music] um like the new Analytics [Music] um anything that you’re not using so typically for most courses you have home you have syllabus you can drag and drop your tools in the order that you want them um so home syllabus announcements you don’t need to have assignments available so I can click on the three dots and disable it discussions you don’t need that available either grades and people yes and sometimes files depending on how your course is set up so everything else uh modules sorry modules I missed that models um so however else the other tools that are available you can click through those and see which ones fit your course and whether or not students need to act to get to it from the sidebar but most of the time they don’t need to so I won’t I won’t student evaluation sorry oh I was just asking if I don’t need the syllabus Tab and if I can put that in my modules instead um I will go over the syllabus Tab and then you can choose if that is not I don’t think it’s required just as long as you have the syllabus available in your course um you don’t have to I don’t think you have to use the syllabus tool but I will go over that and you can make a decision of whether or not it’s something that you want to add because I know it’s just a page for your syllabus okay so what you can see here on my sidebar I’m going to zoom in on the side I have hidden items and I have items that are visible to students so these the eyeball crossed out are items that are hidden from students um so when they go in they’re not going to see anything now what happens is you can have a tool that you want available to students and they won’t see it because there’s nothing in there so right now I have modules on the list available to students but since there’s nothing in my modules it still shows up as hidden okay okay I was just checking the chat um okay that’s go to the home page that seems like a good place to start okay so at my home page I have the ad modules but you also have different things that you can do as far as the home page you can um have just your modules show up as your home page you can have a specific home page that there’s a page you can set as your home page and you can design that page to look kind of like a web page a little bit it could be more visually pleasing um you can add your announcements and activity list there’s different options that you can have for your home page but right now by default it sets it as your modules list as your home page and then off to the right here we have some very important buttons we have student view you click on student view if you want to see what your course looks like from the student’s perspective when you click on student view you get this purple bar at the bottom of your screen does everybody see that I know sometimes the bottom of the screen can get cut off in Zoom and then when you have the purple bar it says you’re currently logged into student view and it also has the reset student and leave student view so I’m going to leave student view so you can see that my sidebar is not as long in student view as it is in um in the instructor View and there are limited tools off to the side so this is what your course looks like from the student’s perspective and it’s a little bit more there’s more to do in the instructor view so here also we’re going to move on to the sidebar you have your course status unpublished published so you want to make sure that when you’re ready to publish your course that you click on the publish button but we’ll get to that later um then you have import existing content import from The Commons choose a home page and you can scroll down and see check out all of the other options here I am going to show you how to import existing content right now but before I do that anybody have a question about the home page oh yeah so importing existing content if you have a course that has already been taught then you can import the content from that previous course into a new course shell this is very helpful if you’re teaching for multiple semesters so right now you have import content I’m going to zoom in so we can see this a little bit better you can copy a canvas horse and then you’re able to select the course I’m going to add our ehe course template here and then I’m going to click on all content you can go in and select specific content if you don’t need if all you need is like the home page for your court for your course or all you need are the discussions or if you imported the course but something went wrong you’re a computer shut off because it ran out of battery and you realize that not everything was imported um you could go in and select the specific the specific content that was not imported um when you’re adding content to a course it does not bring over student answers for assignments um and it doesn’t always it doesn’t bring over student replies to discussions you have no worries about that okay so you have the adjust dates and events box you can use that um I tend not to I tend to go in and just manually update assignments but you can shift all of the dates or you can remove all of the dates so when you remove all of the dates the due dates are going to come off of your assignments it’s going to come off your great your graded discussions um and if you’re anything like me and you can’t remember if you added a due date to a thing um I don’t usually check this this box because I need to know which discussions were graded and which ones were not um and if I remove the dates then I feel like I’ve forgotten all of them so you have the option to to shift dates or remove them I’m going to keep that box unchecked at the moment because there’s nothing with a due date in the ehe course template so clicking on that button you’ll see your current job and you’ll see that it is queued it is running and then you’ll get a notification that it is complete um and then once it’s complete you just hit the refresh button and you’ll go and you’ll see the content has been added to your course so any questions while I’m waiting for this okay it’s almost there anybody else’s internet slow mine just seems to be slow today there we go okay so it’s completed but it has nine issues um looking through all of the issues uh usually I will see a Wiki page body issue for pretty much every course import that I have done in in Carmen um there’s always been a Wiki page body issue but I’ve never it’s never been an issue that impacted the course in a serious way so I don’t really see anything here that’s going to really impact the course much so I’m okay with all of those issues and they’ll probably get fixed over time so I’m going to go back to my home page and because I imported all of the content within the course I also imported all of the course settings from the previous course so the page that was set as the front page has been imported and and it is now the home page if you don’t want that then you’re able to go in and um it’s probably better to show all specific select specific content it shows you the select content and you can go into course settings and make sure that is unchecked and then you can select everything else that you need in the course and that way none of the course settings are impact your course when you import it so like if you’re only looking to add specific Pages you can come in and add specific pages and leave course settings unchecked okay so with the EEG template you have your home page set up and you can go in and edit this page but I’m still going to show you how to add files to your horse so that way everything’s all set up and ready to go so when you’re adding files to your courses so if you are working with a course and you don’t need to import content you can add files so with the template it already comes with some folders and icons and images but I’m going to add some files here so I’m going to add I clicked on the upload the red upload button in the top right and that opened up my um the window to browse my files on my computer so I’m just going to select some files and they’re going to upload um the only issue here is that if you go off of this page which I I found I found out last week um because I had a file that was taking a very long time and I was trying to work on something else if you work on um if you come off of this page the file stops uploading which probably seems like a normal thing and most people would assume but I am so used to being able to like as long as I’m in the course I should be it should be it should continue to upload I don’t know why that was a thought um so all of my files are in there and I can add all of this content to my modules one tip that I will give you is to make sure that you utilize the folders and organize your course um it’s a little bit helpful for later on and when you’re adding files to your course you’ll see um your folders listed so it makes it easier when adding content to your modules okay continuing to set up the course so to add a syllabus do we have any questions about files sorry okay so adding a syllabus to your course you can you have the syllabus page here and for at the top you have your course syllabus and at the bottom you have your course summary the course summary you don’t have to interact with um you don’t have to change any settings or anything it’s just going to populate with all of the items in your course that have um due dates or they’ve been added to the to-do list um so you have quite a few things that come in with the template so you can see that it’s already populated there and you can see your weight groups and your calendar and you have access to all of that Within Carmen on this page to add your syllabus we’re going to click on the edit button um I’m going to delete the lovely template stuff and I’m going to add a file here so since I already uploaded all of my files into Carmen I can go in and add a my syllabus from the course documents I want to zoom in a little bit so you have this page icon in the editor and you have the drop down menu to select upload document course document or user documents documents so course documents you can search you can search your list especially if you have a ton of documents you can search and add your um syllabus so by clicking on that I added the link to my syllabus and I’m going to clean this up so I’m going to click on that link and it’s going to show link options or remove link so I’m going to click on link options and I’m going to clean up this title a little bit so that way you don’t have that full document title you have something that’s a little bit easier to read and then I’m also going to check on preview inlay expand preview by default and then I’m going to click on done and you can see that it was highlighted in yellow and we’re going to save it now this document is a Word document you can also do it as a PDF and I’m going to refresh this page because it is not doing what it’s supposed to do so now you can see this part I’m going to zoom in again so next to my link you have this download icon and then you have minimize file preview even if it doesn’t load right away just note just seeing the minimize file preview here means that the preview worked in the options so when students come here they will be able to see the course the syllabus and they will be able to scroll through it they’ll be able to download it as well from this page it’s up to you if you want to use it but I thought this was a pretty cool feature I don’t know it’s just me I’m being a nerd anyway modules so with the ehe template you have modules that automatically come in and they are automatically have content in there so when you have the ehe template you have the start here but I am not a fan of start here um I like that I like saying getting started but that’s just me it’s a personal preference and you are able to change your module titles so I will go through that again because I think I did it too quickly so on the title line you have the three dot Kebab thingy and then you click on edit and then you come up with this pop-up that has um that allows you to edit the title you also have this box that says lock until I think I’ll zoom in just a little bit lock until allows you to lock that module until a specific day end or time so when you set it up you can lock the module until tomorrow and you can say I don’t want it to show until noon for whatever reason um this is a handy thing to do if you want to add a module that just contains your midterm or just contains your final exam or specific project and you don’t want people to access that until maybe the week of the midterm um to see that that midterm is coming up or you don’t want them to see it until like maybe like two weeks before the midterm like hey the midterm is coming in two weeks um so and then within that module you have you’re able to say whether or not the item in that module is published or released to the students until a specific date and time but you are able to lock modules and then you have the requirements here or prerequisites which happens so for the requirements you can say um since this is the first module in the course it’s a requirement so students have to complete all of these the items in this course in order to move on to the next module and then once you add another module you’ll have the prerequisites which will say they have to complete a specific module in order to unlock that particular module so first module has requirements every module after the first one has prerequisites make sense okay so when you do set up prerequisites you get this on the following modules after that prerequisites getting started and complete all items okay so in this getting started module that I have or the start here module you have some documents that are pretty good to have for for your course you have your course info page you’re navigating this course success in online classroom or schedule and a checkpoint syllabus quiz and introductions so you have a discussion and all of the stuff you can reuse in your own course if you want to but it is really up to you these are just helpful so if you wanted to add a page to a page or an item to your module I’m going to add a new module here um and I am going to label this the tutorial module and as you can see since it’s not the first module it’s it’s changed over from requirement to prerequisite yeah add module so I am going to scroll very fast down to the tutorial and I’m going to move this module to the top because I don’t want to have to scroll every time so if you want to move a module you click on the three dot Kebab thing to the right hand of that module title and you have third option down move module click on that and I can move it to the top I can move it before a module after a module and move it all the way down to the bottom I’m going to move it to the top because that’s helpful um and then we’re going to make sure that this module is published so when you see a module with this circle with a line through it it is not published and even though everything within that module could be published students will still not be able to see what’s in the module unless you click on publish I overlooked this yesterday while showing a faculty member Carmen and yes I look stupid for a little bit but it’s okay um so that green circle with a check mark in it shows that the module is published now when you add any published items to that module students will be able to see it if you don’t want students to see the module you can always unpublish it and then when you publish it everything within that module will pop up so you don’t have to worry about on publishing the items within the module you can just unpublish the whole module let me check that again um to add items to this before I add items are there any questions about modules okay so clicking on the plus button on that module title line you can add different items to your module so you have the option to add assignments quizzes files page discussion a text header external URL and an external tool I’m going to click on text header and you can add um a title the course materials is what I’m going to use as an example add that item this is just a title and you can add content underneath it so from there I’m going to add um I’m going to add a file and it’s going to be a PowerPoint if I had this a little bit more organized I would be able to find the PowerPoint fairly quickly um and then I’m going to indent that just for Aesthetics um so I’m going to indent that one level so when I add that item it is going to be indented so you have your title and then you have your items underneath that title I don’t really like the fact that it has the file name like that so I’m going to click on that and edit to rename that um to rename that file and make it look a little bit more pleasing than just a list of file names so now I have the session 2 presentation which is a which is a little bit different um and then I want to add another text header and let’s say I want to do um the readings make sure that that’s not indented this time and then I want to add a I want to add the um files for the readings so you can add PDFs you can add Word documents it is recommended that you for accessibility reasons that it’s um PDF because not every student has uh word downloaded onto their computer or some people have Pages as their default I don’t know I use Pages all the time but I also have word on mine um and then for accessibility reasons a PDF um is easier for screen readers depending on how you set up that PDF but we’ll get into that in a later webinar so I’m gonna download the I’m gonna upload these um readings so I’m going to add this reading file which is a PDF and then you can have another text editor a text header that says um foreign assignments I didn’t indent this so I’m going to click on the three dot Kebab thing and say increase the indent and then from the to-do list you can add items like an assignment so I’m going to add an assignment here and we’re going to create that assignment and that assignment name is going to be [Music] um whoops a reading reflection and I’m going to indent it for Aesthetics and add that item so now that we have an assignment there we can click on that assignment title and set up the and set up the reflection assignment so right here you have your assignment summary page and before I get into that does anybody have any questions about adding files to modules okay so from the assignment summary page you have your title you have the ability to publish and edit and then you have once you fill in your your details you’ll see that you have your instructions here you have your points your submission types the due dates who it’s assigned to and when it’s available from and until and then you’re also able to add a rubric directly to this but rubrics are covered in next week’s session or um assignments and gradebook so from here you can click on edit which is on the right hand side of the title and you would insert your um expectations for this assignment so how do you want it submitted what are they going to use for them to expect a rubric to be used if it’s going to be used in this assignment and you’re also going to add your directions so your instructions for this assignment are here so insert your expectations and your directions you can also include and the same way that you would do that you did for the syllabus you can add a PDF that has all of the assignment information because I’ve seen some final uh projects that have multiple pages of instructions you can still do the same thing here um you can add that PDF and preview it the same way you would for the syllabus so that comes in handy here as well um down here you have your points I’m just going to type in 20 and then you have your assignment group um the assignment group is adding a category to your gradebook um which I will talk about in a little bit so right now it says that it’s in assignments um and then you can display your points points percentages complete and complete all of that is there and then your submission type so the submission type we’re going to do online and I usually click on text entry and file uploads but you have multiple options here that you can use for your assignments it just depends on what kind of assignment you’re doing and how you would like that submitted I tend to do file uploads along with text entry just in case a student is doing their assignment on their phone or on like on their phone and they’re like on the bus and they just want to type it in there rather than going to a a different a different app and uploading it or they can copy and paste from like a note app or something and then you have your allowed attempts you can do multiple attempts the same way that you can do for quizzes um and then you have the options down here through by doing uh plagiarism so you can do I think it’s turnitin yes turn it in um and then you can do create your group assignments here you can add peer reviews and down here at the very bottom is assign is the assign a sign box so you can assign um from here you can assign it to a specific section or you can sign it assign it to everyone so that’s all sections um if they’re attached to the course and then you have your due date so you can set up your due date um and time and then you could say it’s available from let’s say it’s available from tomorrow at midnight and then it’s available until let’s say it’s available until August 20th and for people who want to turn in the assignment late you don’t have to set up the available from and until if you don’t set those up they are available immediately upon publishing and they and then students will be able to to see them and quite possibly access them throughout the rest of the semester so they could in theory turn in an assignment at the very end of the course and whether or not they get points for that is entirely up to you okay so I’m going to save and publish this assignment and you can see that I have the instructions there the points um the submission type and who it’s and all of the S assigned pieces okay now go back to models and you can see that it is listed everything that you add to a module is going to pop up at the bottom um but you can move these items around if you need to so if I didn’t want the reading reflection here and instead I wanted it up with course materials I could take the little um eight dot Domino here and drag and drop it into the right place so you could take that Domino over there and do and and move it um you’re also able to move it using the three dots to The Right Move It Up move it down move it to a different um module if you want so you have those options I’m going to move that back down to the to-do list and then we still have to add quizzes are there any questions about the assignments am I going too fast okay just making sure sometimes I speak fast and I go I speed through so I want to make sure that everybody I’m not I’m not going too fast okay so in order to add a quiz to your module you can click on the plus sign at the top right of the module title and you’ll come back to this menu and you can select quiz from the menu items and a quiz is also an exam so there’s no difference between quizzes and exams within Carmen it’s just how you build them from there and how you title them so I’m going to create a quiz and let’s say I am going to have a midterm exam and then I want to add that I will deal with assignment groups in a minute I’m going to add an indent and I’m going to add that item so when you add a quiz you can add it directly to your modules and then we’re going to click on the title the same way we did for the assignment and then we’ll come to the quiz summary page so for this quiz summary page um it shows that it’s not published which I don’t I guess it’s more important for instructors to know that a quiz is not published where that whereas an assignment not so much um and then you have your summary page which has all of the information that you’re going to fill in in the settings and it also has the assign box information from the assignments and then you’re also able to click on preview and see it from student view um and you can see it from student view at the top right with the student view Button as well so what I’m going to do is I’m going to click on the edit button on the top right of this page and it comes to details so with details you have your title you have your instructions but you should uh set your expectations here as well so if this is going to be a timed a timed exam or a timed quiz um let students know here set all of your expectations and let students know before they click on the start button what to expect in this quiz because maybe this is going to take an hour and if a student is like oh I only thought this was going to take 20 minutes um maybe they they didn’t set out enough time set aside enough time for that um so you want to make sure that you set your expectations before they click the start button so quiz type you have quiz types here I’m going to zoom in here I’m hoping the zooming is more helpful than heartful um so quiz type so you have graded quizzes you have practice quiz graded survey and ungraded survey so they did combine a survey tool with the quiz tool because certain buttons button types um can be added to surveys so like the multiple choice buttons um question types are good for surveys and they don’t have to have two separate tools for that okay so I’m going to go with the classic graded quiz I’m going to skip over the assignments group and then you have um the options here to shuffle the answers this only shuffles answer options it does not Shuffle the questions um I do believe that Carmen already shuffles the questions like they don’t come in the order that you want them to come in so if you have any form of exam questions or quiz questions that require the students to have answered a question earlier in the quiz and then like if you have a question and then you have like a why essay question right after that is probably all going to get shuffled together so you might want to rework your quiz based on that because I haven’t seen a way to make sure that the questions stay in the order that you want them to um I’ve only been able to help faculty members create two separate quizzes if they won’t if they really really want to have the questions in a specific order um you have the multiple choice quiz and then you have the essay ones um that’s my only that’s my only work around for this I haven’t seen a way to keep it in order Katie have you seen away to keep it in order I have not seen it in order okay just just checking just making sure I had so far but um you know they will be releasing new quizzes um sometime in the next year so um we may see that functionality come in but for right now uh there’s no way to do that okay so you have the shuffle answer options um and then you have the time limit where you could set in minutes so if you want it to be an hour and a half you would do 90 minutes and so on and then you have allow multiple attempts so if you check that box students can take the quiz over again as many times as you want them to so allowed attempts here is the check is the box so you can say you only want them to be able to do it one more time so they could do two attempts you can leave this um unchecked and it is an unlimited number of times so you allow multiple attempts and they can just keep retaking it this is a good option for low stakes quizzes practice quizzes anything that you want them to retain information I remember in eighth grade I my history teacher would have us take a paper exam over and over and over again until we got 100 it has not benefited me to this day but but it is an option for you if you have a practice quiz and you really want them to be able to get all of those answers right before taking the final exam or the midterm um they can take a practice and keep going until they finally get 100 um and then you can say you can keep the highest grade the latest grade or the average grade so no matter how many attempts they get you can keep the average score from that you can just keep the last score from that so even if they did better the first attempt and they didn’t do quite so well in the second attempt um that lower score is the one that’s going to be the final score not the highest so you can also just um click on highest keep the highest score so even if they did take it a second time they got a lower score the higher score is the one that’s going to stay in the grade book so those are options that are entirely up to you and then we have the next box which is let’s see let students see their quiz responses um so you can allow students to see their answers um and you can have it set as only once after each attempt or they’ll see it they can see it um after a specific date so you can let students see the correct answers so if they got an answer wrong they’ll see the correct answer next to it or underneath it so you can show your correct answers on a specific date so you can allow all students to take the exam and then you can release the answers to that exam like the day after or even a couple days after depending on when you want this um so it’s entirely up to you you can choose a date and then you can hide those answers so you can show them and then you can also hide them after a certain amount of time if you want to as well so and then we have the next box which is show one question at a time showing one question at a time is helpful if you have a lot of questions um if you have over let’s say 15 15 questions 15 to 20 questions I would say 15. um because 20 seems to be a bit long so if you have over 15 questions I would say that show one question at a time is a good option I would not check the lot questions after answering um mostly because I enjoy creating quizzes that are as comparable to paper quizzes as possible so when a student has a paper quiz they’re able to go backwards and change an answer to a question if they want to before submitting it um so I think that locking the questions after answering kind of forces them to keep going um whether or not they realize later on the oh no I answered that wrong but they can’t go backwards okay and then we’re going to skip down require an access code and skip over filter IP addresses filter IP addresses are good if you’re using a computer lab to do your quiz um because it’s it’s easier to get to get that IP information you can’t you can’t get that IP information everybody’s using their own computer and they’re off all over the place but it is really good if you’re just using uh a computer lab and then you can require an access code but it’s it’s not it’s not 100 necessary that’s up to you and then you have the assign box like you have for the assignments page so we’re going to go back up to the top and we have the questions tab so with the questions tab you can add questions to your quiz um in the next webinar we’re going to go over different ways to add questions to your quiz um because the way that I am about to show you is not the way that I highly recommend using this but it is the most basic way to add a question to your quiz okay um so adding a question to your quiz you can add a question directly to your quiz by clicking on this plus new question button not my favorite way of doing it but we’re going to do it for this for this one okay so what you have here is this question is highlighted it really should say question title um because that’s what it is this question title is for you the instructor students don’t get to see this so what I like to do with the question title is I like to um I like to do a bit of a shorthand so if I have a true or false question I put T slash F in front of it and then I use a very descriptive um title so it might descriptive as far as what is contained in that quote in the question text or you can just paste the question text next to it it’ll eventually break off at some point um but if I wanted to have a question about a sunny day um I would have the true false question and then I usually don’t use shorthand for multiple choice questions because multiple choice is the most common question type um so if I see a question without any form of shorthand in front of it I know that that’s a multiple choice but that’s a that’s a legend for me not for everybody else um so you have the different question types here right next to the question title so you have multiple choice and you have a long list of different question types um but I will skip down to the file upload question um so I’m going to change this to a file upload question so file upload question is pretty handy if you want to assign an essay so this is good for essays and students um essays audio video file types although I think that might be a little large as a video file type um if you want students to especially with math or um showing their work importing any form of note documents you can have them upload a document directly and it could count as their midterm um so you would as usual set your expectations and directions here and then you can update that question and then when you go in into when students go in they’ll see an option to upload the file so then I can add another question to this and this time I will just do a multiple choice question and over here on the right you have your points so you can add the points directly so if you have [Music] um points that have different values you can add those there um if you have a 20 question quiz but you want every answer to be worth five points you can do that um if you have an essay question that you want to be worth more than the rest of the questions you can do that as well um but here you have your um this is your question text so you can ask your question here and then you have down here at the bottom your answer options so basically for a question you have a green arrow that indicates the correct answer if you have in your settings to shuffle the answers it doesn’t matter if you put the correct answer on this first line for every question you can just you don’t have to change the indication at all um if you don’t have that check Shuffle answers checked off in the settings then and you add the correct answer to the first line every time then you’ve added the correct answer to the first line for every question and maybe students will pick up on it maybe not um but I’ve seen that happen quite a few times where people put the correct answer in thinking that it was going to get shuffled and it does not um so I’m going to change the correct answer to the second one and by that you just hover over the area where the arrow should be and then you click on that and it’ll change the correct answer to the answer option so if you’re just going and adding your multiple choice from a Word document and all of them are already listed in the order that you want them you add those in in the order that you want them and choose the correct answer next to that item so now you see that there’s a possible answer with a red box underneath and these are feedback boxes so feedback boxes you can add um more instruction to the quiz so if a student is and if they answer the question wrong when they’re able to see the results and they’re able to see the correct answers you’re you can show them why it’s wrong or why it’s correct and you could do this based on the specific answers and the amount at the bottom you have the general feedback boxes so you have for General feedback for any correct answer General feedback for any incorrect answer and general feedback for the question period so you you don’t have to worry about whether it’s incorrect or correct they’ll just get General feedback explaining the answer okay and then in a multiple choice question you have the add another answer option and you can keep adding answer options to the list so this works out very well for for surveys mostly um but if you had 10 answer options for multiple choice quiz you might want to rethink the question um just a little bit so I’m going to update the question here are there any questions about adding questions to quizzes oh hi oh I’m not sure oh I’m the only one but I’m a little confused on the possible answer and the correct answer choice so as you said if I mention correct answer in the it will not get shuffled right right so if you had answer options um I mean let me open this back up so I can edit a mo the quiz by hovering over in the top right corner and click on the pencil icon so my question text could be is it a sunny day that’s my question and my possible answer type is it’s cloudy the correct answer could be yes it’s sunny um and another answer type could be ugh it’s raining so I’m gonna trash the rest of these possible answer types because they will show up as blank answer types even though you don’t put anything in there um so the possible answers are just the other answer options that are available but they’re the wrong ones um you do have a question type to allow for multiple answers but for the classic multiple choice it’s just a single answer is correct um so you have those different options there does that does that make sense now yeah it does but oh it will not Shuffle in the list you know you were saying that you will not get shuffled yeah it won’t it won’t get shuffled unless you put that if unless you check off that box in the settings okay I got it thank you so if you have the correct answer is always going to show up at the Top Line for multiple choice it’s always going to be there so if you had multiple multiple choice questions and you put the correct answer on that line that that Top Line that says correct answer and you don’t have the shuffle answers option checked in settings the top answer for all of the questions from the student perspective is going to be the correct one I got it okay I got it but if I choose the subtle option then the answer will get shuffled right yeah great thank you very good shuffled okay okay so once you have your midterm exam um done it should show up in your modules we’re going to go over the speedgrader and how to moderate your quizzes all of that we’re going to go over that next week not this week um so let’s see here discussions okay I’m going to add a discussion I have to check my quit my my checklist on the side here to make sure I’m doing everything okay so you can add a discussion I’m going to create a discussion type you can always create these items within their their links on the sidebar but you can also add them to your module um so you have those options I didn’t say that earlier but you can add them through the links on the sidebar so here we are we have um a discussion type so let’s say uh it’s going to be the reading discussion add that item click on the title as we’ve done before and you can you have you’re taken to the discussion it’s not a summary it’s just a direct discussion and then I have to edit it in order to add the um the prompt so you add your prompt and expectations so if you want students to reply reply to other students or let them know that they can’t see other students replies and so after they’ve replied if this is a great discussion let them know that it’s a graded discussion um set those expectations in your directions you’ll get less emails um and then you have down here at the bottom post two so you can post to specific sections if you want to and then you’re able to attach files um but you’re also able to link to files the same way you would um the syllabus or um just adding a regular hyperlink you can add a hyperlink if you need to you can add that up here but you also have the option to attach a file down here and then you have your options so I’m going to zoom in here so you can see the options a little bit better so for options you have allow threaded replies so one student can reply and students can reply there to the to the they’re all like indented um users must post before seeing replies you have that option um you can enable a podcast feed and if you are interested in enabling a podcast feed I would really love to work with you because I have not done it yet so I’m really excited to do that um and then you can set it as a graded discussion you can allow liking and you can add a student to add to student to-do list so I’m going to check the add student to-do list because we’ll be doing graded discussions next week and then you’re able to add this to the to-do list to the to the to-do list which means it will show up on the student’s dashboard and it will show up in your syllabus your course summary under the syllabus tool do you remember that from the beginning so you’re able to select a date and let’s say I want it done by next Friday and then you can also create the a group discussion through here if you want to so if you check the group discussion you have um you’re able to select which groups which group set you’re going to do groups are part of next week’s webinar though and then you’re also able to create a new group category so you can set up a group from this page as well you don’t have to go over to um people in order to create a group and then you have your available from and until dates if you leave those two dates um open then it’ll automatically be Pub it’ll automatically be available to students upon publishing and it’ll stay available to students until you close it so this is a good it’s good to have it as like a q a forum for students that you link and you’re getting started module and then from there they can always add questions to that discussion group um so that’s that’s an option for that so I’m going to save and oops I’m going to uncheck that and I’m Gonna Save and publish so from here you’ll be able to see replies um from students and then you’ll be able to go and look at all the unread ones um and you’re you’re subscribed if you no longer want to receive notifications from this you can check unsub check this and be unsubscribed um this is I guess that’s good if you set up discussions that are specifically for students and you don’t really want to interact in that area very often um or you want to discourage students from asking you questions directly from that um so there’s there’s that option okay don’t want to lose power here okay we’ve caught gone gotten over we’ve gone over discussions don’t know why I can’t speak today and I’m going to show you the grades the grade book so one thing that you need to kind of kind of know about Gradebook is that there’s not much here not much here um you have your student names so all of your students are listed here you have all of your assignments listed here and I will go into more detail I just want to give you a little bit of a peek as to where your grades are going to be so everything that has a um an assignment or a due date everything that every assignment that is graded is going to show up in here so uh assignments quizzes graded discussions are going to show up here um and then you can scroll all the way your to the um right in order to see totals um and you can move these categories you can slide them I’m gonna zoom in because I can barely see it from where I am um so you can click on a category and move it over if you need to you can rearrange the cat the categories but there’s not much you can do as far as relabeling them because that’s all in your assignments page so I just wanted to give you a peek at this because we’re definitely going to go over this more in depth in next weeks okay I think we’re done I did it two minutes to spin any questions okay any features that you that you want to know about that I did not go over that’s not a graded thing because that’s next week hi Chanel thank you so much it was great and clear enough but just in case in future when we are actually doing it you know in practice and if we kind of encounter some problem whom should be contacted yes yes yes yes that part thank you which is a slide that I have prepared and I didn’t share it okay um you can contact for you could contact the instructional designers for features if you are having if you’re experiencing glitches you should contact the help desk but if you want to know more about features and tools then contacting one of the instructional designers will be helpful so if you’re in teaching and learning you would contact Katie if you’re in human Sciences you contact Christy and if you’re in Ed studies you would contact me Chanel so that’s your contact and the email addresses for everybody okay and um the recording will be sent out later on today if and at the latest tomorrow depending on how long it takes for this to load but thank you all for coming and I hope to see most of you next week I know Ed studies has a thing bye thanks Chanel thank you everybody