hey guys this is Edie from virtually in sync with another video VA tip I just noticed this recently on the new 2016 version of Microsoft PowerPoint and I was curious if anybody else was aware of this really cool new feature that powerpoint now offers if you’ve ever been on the insert tab next to your audio and video insert and in your media section there’s now a screen recording tab and basically what PowerPoint allows you to do now is just like you can insert a video or an audio file onto your slides you can now actually record your screen outside of PowerPoint and import that recording into your PowerPoint presentation but i thought let’s take this one step for it further instead of importing it into PowerPoint can i still do the same thing and basically use it as a screen recording software to record something and then have that exported as a separate file so i did a test and it worked so i wanted to share that with you so the way that you do it is let’s say we wanted to record this particular presentation as a video and we didn’t have camtasia or some other screen recording software program to use in order to do it and the act of actually adding on your audio and then sinking it and doing the recorded timings and then exporting it to it as a video just don’t seem to be a bit too daunting just wanted to do this test to see if that would work so this is what I ended up doing I imported my audio track and I made sure that my audio track is going to play on all of my slides and I don’t have a lot I only have about eight different slides so it’s a short video so this is what I did when you click on screen recording it pretty much acts like every other screen capturing software and I’ve already selected my area but you can see when you click on select area it greys out your screen and then you’re able to select the area that you want to record now before you click on the record button pull up the software or website that you want to record and I want to still use my presentation but i want to do it in slide show mode now I have two monitors so when I click on from the beginning the actual presentation as its presented is going to be on the screen that you’re at right now my presentation view is going to be on my opposite screen and that’s where i’ll be able to control it there are usually three types of expenses purchasers will find when buying real estate property the costs involved for these types of services will very broadly and are based on location type and kind of property as a purchaser if you work with a bank or mortgage company they will give you a good faith estimate within three days of submitting your loan application bank fees will vary with respect to the loan program but can consist of title expenses which can include title search and insurance closing costs such as attorneys fees and miscellaneous fees like property taxes homeowner insurance home inspection appraisal and surveys learn more by going on to exit top properties now that cut off a little quick but you get the gist so here is the video and I’ll play it just so that you can see it’s captured all of my movements and then I’ll show you what I’m going to do so there you go and then when you can do is click on right click on this and then you go to save media as and then you can save it wherever you need on your desktop and it does save it as HD so I thought this was let’s just do test video there are usually three types of expenses purchasers will find when buying real estate property the costs involved for these types of services will very broadly and are based on location type and kind of property as a purchaser if you work with a bank or mortgage company they will give you a good faith estimate within three days of submitting your loan application big fees will vary with respect to the loan program but can consist of title expenses which can include title search and insurance closing costs such as attorneys fees and miscellaneous fees like property taxes homeowner insurance home inspection appraisal and surveys learn more by going on to exit top properties done so I thought that was a really cool little trick now obviously if you want to insert this into your presentation you can make this whatever size you need it to be and then you can place it within a layout that’s conducive for um well sort of wherever you want to put it on your video but i just thought i’d share that with you it was a cool little fine that i thought i’d share with you so enjoy take care bye